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Exploring the Hidden Gems of Queen Maud Land, Norway

Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Queen Maud Land is a vast icy wilderness in Antarctica claimed by Norway. While largely uninhabited except for research stations, it contains incredible scenery and wildlife for the adventurous traveler. Here are the 15 best places to visit on a trip to this remote Antarctic region:

1. Iceberg Alley

Drifting down the Lazarev Sea, colossal tabular icebergs break off from ice shelves in a stunning display of natural beauty. Iceberg Alley near Atka Bay offers rust-red icebergs in crimson water, presenting unforgettable photo opportunities. 

2. Atka Bay Emperor Penguin Colony  

Home to over 9,000 adult Emperor penguins and their fuzzy grey chicks, Atka Bay hosts one of Antarctica’s largest Emperor penguin breeding colonies. Watch the majestic birds care for their young on the sea ice.

3. Quar Ice Shelf

The Quar Ice Shelf extending into the Weddell Sea displays intricate crack patterns in the ancient ice. Fly over in a helicopter for dramatic aerial views showcasing the icy wilderness.  

4. Vestfjella Mountains

Jutting peaks and dramatic cliff faces carved out of the polar ice cap make up the awe-inspiring Vestfjella mountain range, one of the highest in Antarctica. The jagged Heimefront Range offers particularly superb vistas for fit hikers.

5. Jutulstraumen Glacier

One of the fastest glaciers in Antarctica, the Jutulstraumen is an iconic natural feature of Queen Maud Land. Its speed of over 1 km per year has dramatically changed the surrounding landscape during the past century.

6. Gjelsvikfjella Mountain Summit 

Reaching 3,147 meters (10,312 ft), the summit of this tall mountain in the Gjelsvikfjella mountain chain offers unrivaled views across the vast polar plateau. Fit climbers are rewarded with a superb panorama.

7. Schirmacher Lakes

Beautiful blue meltwater ponds with floating ice chunks dot the Schirmacher Lakes area during the brief Antarctic summer. The scenic lakes provide habitat for microscopic creatures, creating an oasis teeming with life. 

8. H.U. Sverdrupfjella Mountains

Sweeping peaks and ridgelines make up the H.U. Sverdrup mountain chain, named after a pioneering polar explorer. Photographers flock to capture images of these scenic mountains in shimmering light.  

9. Belgica Mountains and Sør Rondane Mountains

Separated by the Belgica Glacier, the sheer walls of the Belgica Mountains and jagged Sør Rondane peaks present fabulous hiking and climbing amid stark Antarctic beauty.

10. Amundsenisen Ice Sheet

Flowing between mountain peaks, the Amundsenisen ice sheet is the perfect introduction to Queen Maud Land’s endless vistas of windswept ice and snow. The views from small aircraft tours are phenomenal.  

11. Ahlmann Ridge

The immense Ahlmann Ridge tracks across Queen Maud Land from east to west. Following its knife-edge arête makes for an incredible multi-day trekking adventure with views as far as the eye can see. 

12. Fuchs Dome 

A striking ice dome reaching 2,370 meters (7,770 ft), Fuchs Dome offers a moderately challenging ascent to a summit panorama over neighboring peaks and massive outlet glaciers streaming from the polar plateau.

13. Wohlthat Massif

The Wohlthat Mountains comprise the highest massif wholly in Queen Maud Land, topped by Jøkulkyrkja Mountain at 3,148 meters (10,328 ft). Fit climbers are rewarded with far-reaching views atop the windswept summits.

14. Roi Baudouin Ice Shelf

Stretching along Princess Martha Coast, the colossal Roi Baudouin Ice Shelf is Antarctica’s largest ice shelf by volume. Kayak past enormous tabular icebergs calved from its front or fly over by helicopter to fully appreciate its gigantic scale.

15. Princess Astrid Coast

The coastal Princess Astrid Coast stretches 250 km, dotted with emperor penguin rookeries and clifftop bird colonies during summer. Cruise past this rugged section of coastline aboard expedition vessels, watching for whales and seals along the pack ice edge.


With otherworldly icy landscapes, towering mountain peaks, vast ice sheets, and abundant wildlife, Queen Maud Land offers intrepid travelers willing to brave its extreme conditions an unforgettable Antarctic adventure showcasing some of the world’s most remote and beautiful wild places.

The Top 15 Breathtaking Destinations You Must See in the Majestic Queen Maud Land, Norway

1. Iceberg Alley

2. Atka Bay Emperor Penguin Colony

3. Quar Ice Shelf

4. Vestfjella Mountains

5. Jutulstraumen Glacier

6. Gjelsvikfjella Mountain Summit

7. Schirmacher Lakes

8. H.U. Sverdrupfjella Mountains

9. Belgica Mountains and Sør Rondane Mountains

10. Amundsenisen Ice Sheet

11. Ahlmann Ridge

12. Fuchs Dome

13. Wohlthat Massif

14. Roi Baudouin Ice Shelf

15. Princess Astrid Coast








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