Home Africa Top 20 Hospitals in Tanzania

Top 20 Hospitals in Tanzania

Top 20 Hospitals in Tanzania
Top 20 Hospitals in Tanzania

Tanzania is an East African nation that has a population of around 40 million people. The health system of the country has many challenges, like lack of doctors and medical facilities, poor infrastructure and high rates of poverty.

The government is trying to improve the health system in Tanzania. They are working on expanding access to healthcare, improving public health and strengthening the healthcare system.

The position of health in Tanzania is quite low compared to other countries. There are many factors contributing to this situation but one major factor is poverty which leads to poor health outcomes in the country.

Top 20 Hospitals in Tanzania are:

1.Muhimbili National Hospital:

Muhimbili National Hospital of Tanzania is a hospital in the capital city of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It was established in 1978 and has been a major teaching hospital for the country since then.

The Muhimbili National Hospital of Tanzania is one of the most prominent government hospitals in the country. It has a staff of more than 2,000 people including doctors, nurses, and support staff. The hospital also offers various medical services including general medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and ophthalmology.

2.Mwanza Regional Referral Hospital:

Mwanza Regional Referral Hospital of Tanzania is a hospital that is located in Mwanza, Tanzania. It was established in the year 1957.

Mwanza Regional Referral Hospital of Tanzania has been providing quality health care since 1957. It is the only referral hospital in the region and has a capacity to accommodate 1,000 patients at a time.

The facility offers services such as general surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, radiology and dental care. The hospital also provides mental health services such as psychiatric consultations and treatment for alcohol addiction among other related services like HIV/AIDS care.

3.Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center:

Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center of Tanzania is a hospital in Tanzania that provides medical care for the people living in the country.

Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center of Tanzania is located on the southern slopes of Kilimanjaro, which is one of Africa’s highest mountains. It has a population of about 1,000 people. The hospital has about 150 beds and serves an area with a population of more than 1 million people.

The Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center offers an emergency room, surgical services, outpatient services and maternity services. It also provides medical care for HIV/AIDS patients and health education programs to improve health awareness among the people in the area.

The Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center has two main buildings that are connected by a bridge over a river which

4.Kilimanjaro Regional Referral Hospital:

Kilimanjaro Regional Referral Hospital is a public hospital that provides health care services to the people of Kilimanjaro Region in Tanzania. It has the capacity to provide medical care to over 1,000 patients per day.

The Kilimanjaro Regional Referral Hospital is located in Moshi, which is about 2 hours drive from Kilimanjaro Airport. The hospital has a total of 8 wards with a capacity for 480 beds and it also has an emergency room with 10 beds. The hospital also has an outpatient department with 60 beds and an isolation ward for infectious diseases.

Kilimanjaro Regional Referral Hospital provides medical services to the people of Kilimanjaro Region in Tanzania.

5.Dar es Salaam General Hospital:

Dar es Salaam General Hospital is the largest government-owned hospital in Tanzania. It provides medical care for a wide range of diseases and health conditions.

The hospital has a total bed capacity of 2,450, including 1,300 beds in the main hospital and 1,150 beds in its three satellite hospitals. It also has two operating theaters and five intensive care units with an average occupancy rate of 80%.

Dar es Salaam General Hospital is located at Mbagala Hill Road in Dar es Salaam.

6.Kisii University Teaching Hospital:

Kisii University Teaching Hospital of Tanzania is a public hospital in Kisii, Kenya. It was established in 1987 and is managed by the Kisii University of Science and Technology.

The hospital has an area of 6 acres and offers services from emergency to maternity care. The hospital has three wards, two emergency wards, one antenatal ward, one post-natal ward, a paediatric ward and an operating theatre with eight beds.

The hospital also provides services for people with HIV/AIDS including a 24-hour laboratory that can test for HIV/AIDS-related diseases as well as treatment for such diseases.

7.Morogoro Regional Referral Hospital:

Morogoro Regional Referral Hospital is located at Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania. It is a public hospital and it is affiliated with the University of Dodoma.

The hospital was founded in 1964. It has a total bed capacity of 130 beds and it has all the facilities that are needed for a modern hospital.

Morogoro Regional Referral Hospital has all the facilities that are needed for a modern hospital, such as: Radiology, Laboratory Services, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Electrocardiography Services, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Operating Theater Services and more.

8.Coast Provincial General Hospital:

Coast Provincial General Hospital of Tanzania is a hospital that is located in the Coast Province of Tanzania. It is an institution that offers health care services to the people living in the region. The hospital has many facilities but one of them is a maternity ward.

The Coast Provincial General Hospital of Tanzania was established in 1967 and it has been providing healthcare to the people living in this region ever since then. It has many facilities such as a maternity ward, operating theater, dental clinic and outpatient department among others.

9.Tanga Provincial General Hospital:

The Tanga Provincial General Hospital of Tanzania is located in the town of Tanga, Tanzania. The hospital is a government-owned facility that provides medical care to the people living in and around the region.

The hospital offers all types of medical services, including general, surgical and emergency care.

Tanga Provincial General Hospital has a total bed capacity of 140 beds, with an average occupancy rate of 85%. There are also 12 operating rooms and 3 intensive care units.

The hospital also has a pharmacy department, which includes 1 pharmacy and 10 pharmacies within the premises.

10.Mbeya Regional Hospital:

Mbeya Regional Hospital is a public hospital in Mbeya, Tanzania. It is the largest hospital in that region and one of the best hospitals in Tanzania.

Mbeya Regional Hospital has been serving patients since 1981. It has a total of 568 beds with an average daily census of 2,400 patients and a staff strength of 1,100. The hospital has six operating theatres, two intensive care units (ICU), and three pediatric wards.

The hospital provides services for all major diseases and injuries that are not only related to health but also to other areas such as surgery, obstetrics/gynecology, pediatrics, dentistry and ophthalmology.

11.National Referral Hospital:

The National Referral Hospital of Tanzania is located in the city of Dar es Salaam, the largest city and commercial capital of Tanzania. The hospital is situated in a semi-rural area on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam, near Kivukoni Township.

The hospital has a large campus with a number of buildings and facilities. There are two main wards: the medical ward and the surgical ward. There are also four institutes: the Institute for Medical Research, Institute for Child Health Research, Institute for Infectious Diseases Research and Institute for Paediatric Surgery.

12.Mwanza Central Hospital:

Mwanza Central Hospital is a public hospital in Mwanza, Tanzania. It was founded in 1963 by the government of Tanganyika as a teaching hospital.

The hospital provides free medical care to people who cannot afford it. They provide all kinds of medical services, including general surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology and ENT surgery. The MCH also has an on-site laboratory that conducts routine tests for malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. The hospital has a capacity of 2200 beds and provides emergency care 24 hours a day.

13.Coast General Hospital:

Coast General Hospital is a public hospital located in the coast of Tanzania. It is the only hospital in the region and has about 700 beds.

Coast General Hospital was established in the year 1993 with a total cost of US$1 million. The hospital has been recognized as one of the most important hospitals in Tanzania and Africa. It provides health care services to people from all over Tanzanian coast, including Mtwara, Lindi, Unguja and Zanzibar.

The hospital provides tertiary level services such as surgery, obstetric care, pediatric care, orthopedics, anesthesia and dental treatments. It also offers medical consultations for common diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.

14.Kigoma Regional Referral Hospital:

Kigoma Regional Referral Hospital is located in Kigoma, Tanzania. It is situated on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, which is the world’s second-largest freshwater lake by volume. The hospital was established in 1948 and it has a total bed capacity of 200 beds.

The hospital offers complete medical services to the patients coming from different parts of the country and even neighboring countries like Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda. The hospital also provides training for medical professionals from other countries like India, China, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

15.Bagamoyo Central General Hospital:

Bagamoyo Central General Hospital is the largest hospital in Tanzania. It has a total bed capacity of 2,000 with a staff of 3,500.

The Bagamoyo Central General Hospital was established in 1957. It has undergone several renovations and expansions to accommodate the increasing number of patients that come for treatment every day.

The Bagamoyo Central General Hospital provides services to the people from all over Tanzania and from neighboring countries like Burundi, Rwanda, and Kenya

16.Shinyanga Regional Referral Hospital:

Shinyanga Regional Referral Hospital of Tanzania is a public hospital located in Shinyanga, Tanzania.

It was established in 1967 and has been under the management of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare since then. The hospital is also accredited by the East African Community.

Address: Shinyanga Regional Referral Hospital of Tanzania, Mwanaweza Street, Shinyanga

17.Mwanza Provincial General hospital:

Mwanza Provincial General hospital is the main hospital in Mwanza. It is located on the main road, which is Kibaha Street.

The hospital has a total of three floors. The ground floor has a reception area, an outpatient clinic and the wards. The first floor has a laboratory, an x-ray room, and the operating theatre. The second floor has a pharmacy and more wards.

The Mwanza Provincial General Hospital offers services such as general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, eye care, ENT care and others to its patients

18.Kilimanjaro Provincial General hospital:

Kilimanjaro Provincial General hospital is one of the biggest hospitals in Tanzania. It has a capacity of about 1500 beds and about 4000 staff members.

Kilimanjaro Provincial General hospital is located in Kilimanjaro town, Tanzania. It is in close proximity to the city and it is only 3 km from the city centre. The hospital has an average bed occupancy rate of 85%.

The Kilimanjaro Provincial General Hospital has a wide range of facilities that includes 24-hour emergency care, pediatric care, obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedics, psychiatry, surgery and other services such as X-ray service, laboratory services, pharmacy services and radiology services.

19.Dr Julius Nyerere General Hospital (JNGH):

The Dr Julius Nyerere General Hospital (JNGH) is a hospital in the city of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It is named after the country’s first president, Dr. Julius Nyerere.

The JNGH offers facilities like emergency care, outpatient services and inpatient services. The hospital also has a 24-hour emergency service with doctors on call at all times.

The JNGH was established in September 1989 by the government of Tanzania and it is considered as one of the best hospitals in East Africa. The hospital has capacity for up to 400 beds and over 1,000 employees

20.Bagamoyo Regional Referral Hospital :

Bagamoyo Regional Referral Hospital of Tanzania is located in Bagamoyo, Tanzania. It is the largest regional referral hospital of Tanzania.

Bagamoyo Regional Referral Hospital of Tanzania is the largest regional referral hospital in Tanzania. It has been providing medical services since 1981. Bagamoyo Regional Referral Hospital of Tanzania has also been accredited with ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 certification for its quality of service, environmental management and safety standards.

Bagamoyo Regional Referral Hospital of Tanzania operates with a total area size of 1,500 square meters and a total bed capacity which is 100 beds. The hospital also has an emergency room and an outpatient clinic which provides healthcare to residents in the region.


1.lion. (2020, April 25). Best Hospitals in Tanzania. Retrieved December 6, 2022, from Ginger Healthcare website: https://ghealth121.com/top_hospitals/tanzania/

2.Lab, S. (2022). Scimago Institutions Rankings. Retrieved December 6, 2022, from Scimagoir.com website: https://www.scimagoir.com/rankings.php?country=TZA§or=Health

3.Best Hospitals in Tanzania – List of Hospitals Tanzania. (2022). Retrieved December 6, 2022, from Tanzapages.com website: https://www.tanzapages.com/category/Hospitals

4.Which are the best hospitals in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania? (2022). Retrieved December 6, 2022, from Quora website: https://www.quora.com/Which-are-the-best-hospitals-in-Dar-es-Salaam-Tanzania

5.Discover Africa Safaris. (2022, September 15). Retrieved December 6, 2022, from Discover Africa Safaris website: https://www.discoverafrica.com/safaris/tanzania/health-care-in-tanzania/

6.Wikipedia Contributors. (2022, November 21). Healthcare in Tanzania. Retrieved December 6, 2022, from Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Healthcare_in_Tanzania

7.Baker, T., Lugazia, E., Eriksen, J., Mwafongo, V., Irestedt, L., & Konrad, D. (2013). Emergency and critical care services in Tanzania: a survey of ten hospitals. BMC Health Services Research13(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6963-13-140

8.Health care quality in Africa: Uganda, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, Kenya, Zimbabwe and South Africa | Aetna International. (2015). Retrieved December 6, 2022, from Aetnainternational.com website: https://www.aetnainternational.com/en/about-us/explore/living-abroad/culture-lifestyle/health-care-quality-in-africa.html

9.Ravikash. (2022, March 14). Xcelerate to launch pilot project in 4 hospitals in Tanzania. Retrieved December 6, 2022, from SeekingAlpha website: https://seekingalpha.com/news/3813230-xcelerate-to-launch-pilot-project-in-4-hospitals-in-tanzania

10. White Hope Hospital. (2021, May 14). White Hope Hospital | Kibaha | Tanzania. Retrieved December 6, 2022, from White Hope Hospital | Kibaha | Tanzania website: https://whitehopehospital.com/


1.Muhimbili National Hospital:

2.Mwanza Regional Referral Hospital:

3.Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center:

4.Kilimanjaro Regional Referral Hospital:

5.Dar es Salaam General Hospital:

6.Kisii University Teaching Hospital:

7.Morogoro Regional Referral Hospital:

8.Coast Provincial General Hospital:

9.Tanga Provincial General Hospital:

10.Mbeya Regional Hospital:

11.National Referral Hospital:

12.Mwanza Central Hospital:

13.Coast General Hospital:

14.Kigoma Regional Referral Hospital:

15.Bagamoyo Central General Hospital:

16.Shinyanga Regional Referral Hospital:

17.Mwanza Provincial General hospital:

18.Kilimanjaro Provincial General hospital:

19.Dr Julius Nyerere General Hospital (JNGH):

20.Bagamoyo Regional Referral Hospital :



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