Home South America Top 20 Hospitals of Trinidad and Tobago

Top 20 Hospitals of Trinidad and Tobago

Top 20 Hospitals of Trinidad and Tobago
Top 20 Hospitals of Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago is a country located in the Caribbean. It has a population of 1,030,000 people.

Health system of Trinidad and Tobago:

Trinidad and Tobago has a public health system that is largely free at the point of service. However, there are some areas of care that require payment before services can be rendered. The government spends less than 1% on healthcare each year while the private sector spends more than 20%.

Position of health in Trinidad and Tobago:

The country’s health status is not as good as it should be because of its low spending on healthcare, high rates of obesity and diabetes, poor diet, lack of sanitation facilities and lack of infrastructure.

Top 20 Hospitals of Trinidad and Tobago are:

1.Mount Saint Luke’s Medical Center:

Mount Saint Luke’s Medical Center of Trinidad and Tobago is a hospital in the capital city of Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. It is known for its specialized medical services.

Mount Saint Luke’s Medical Center of Trinidad and Tobago has two locations, one in the center of Port-of-Spain, the other in Chaguanas. The main building is located on Caroni Road in the city center. It has a total area of approximately 10 acres with over 200 beds.

The hospital has a fully equipped emergency department with an average waiting time for patients to be seen at around five minutes. This can be attributed to its 24/7 availability as well as its advanced facilities such as CT scanning, MRI scanning, and ultrasound imaging machines at all levels

2.San Fernando General Hospital:

Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. It was established in 1892.

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The hospital has a total bed capacity of 1,150. It provides medical care for the people of Trinidad and Tobago as well as for the residents of nearby islands. The main entrance is on Frederick Street in Port-of-Spain and it has two other entrances at Geddes Avenue and at St James Avenue.

San Fernando General Hospital is one of the most important hospitals in Trinidad and Tobago that provides quality healthcare to patients from all over the world.

3.St James’ Hospital:

St James’ Hospital is the largest public hospital in Trinidad and Tobago. It is a tertiary referral hospital that provides health care services to the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

The facility is located in downtown Port of Spain, which is the capital city of Trinidad and Tobago. It has been designated as one of the most important hospitals in the Caribbean.

St James’ Hospital offers a range of services including cardiology, cancer treatment, maternity care, pediatrics, radiology and surgery. The facility also has an emergency room with 24-hour coverage.

4.San Juan De Dios Hospital:

San Juan De Dios Hospital is a hospital in Trinidad and Tobago. It has been in operation since 1962 and has been providing care to the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

San Juan De Dios Hospital is located at the heart of San Juan de Dios, nestled in the hills on a plateau overlooking the city. It is located just off the main road leading to San Fernando, Trinidad’s capital city. The hospital complex includes an outpatient clinic, emergency department, x-ray services, pharmacy and laboratory services.

The hospital also has a helipad which allows for quick transport to other hospitals in case of emergency.

5.Holy Cross Hospital, Port-of-Spain:

The Holy Cross Hospital is a public hospital in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. It was founded in 1894 and is currently the largest hospital in the country.

The Holy Cross Hospital has a total of 714 beds spread across 19 wards. It also has an emergency department, operating theatre, intensive care unit and other outpatient services. The hospital also has its own private maternity ward and neonatal intensive care unit.

The Holy Cross Hospital provides free medical care to all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago regardless of race or social status.

6.Dr. George Collymore Memorial Hospital:

Dr. George Collymore Memorial Hospital is a premier hospital in Trinidad and Tobago. It provides quality healthcare services to patients from all over the world.

Address: Dr. George Collymore Memorial Hospital of-Spain, Piarco Airport Road, Piarco, Trinidad and Tobago


Facilities: The hospital offers state-of-the-art facilities that include a modern operating theater and an advanced radiology center with state of the art equipment.

7.Victoria Jubilee Outpatient Clinic:

Victoria Jubilee Outpatient Clinic is a tertiary care hospital in Trinidad and Tobago. It has a total of six floors, and it is located in the city center.

Victoria Jubilee Outpatient Clinic provides services for patients with acute and chronic illnesses and mental health issues. The clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities such as an emergency department, outpatient clinics, laboratory, radiology unit, pharmacy, physiotherapy unit, dental clinic, and a blood bank.

Victoria Jubilee Outpatient Clinic offers medical treatment to patients from all over the country including private insurance plans. The clinic also has provision for outpatients without insurance coverage or who are unable to afford the cost of their treatment.

8.St Joseph’s Maternity and Child Welfare Clinic-San Fernando:

St. Joseph’s Maternity and Child Welfare Clinic is a private hospital in San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago. It is located on the corner of Lopinot Road and the Queen’s Park Savannah. It provides maternity, pediatric, obstetric and postnatal care for women and children. The clinic also has a 24-hour emergency room with an intensive care unit that is capable of handling all types of cases, including major surgeries.

The clinic has a total bed capacity of 165 patients in its wards while it can accommodate up to 300 patients in its outpatient department. The clinic also has a special wing for premature babies who need close monitoring during their stay at the hospital.

The clinic has state-of-the-art equipment that includes an ultrasound machine, digital mammography

9.Point Fortin Health Centre, Incorporated (Private):

Point Fortin Health Centre, Incorporated (Private) is a private healthcare facility that offers medical care and treatment to patients.

The Point Fortin Health Centre, Incorporated (Private) was found in 1997 and has been providing quality healthcare to the people of Trinidad and Tobago since then. The clinic provides services in a wide range of health related fields such as internal medicine, general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry, dentistry and oral surgery.

Location: Point Fortin Health Centre is located on the western end of Trinidad island at the junction of Richmond Hill Road and National Road. The clinic is about 16 kilometers from the capital city of Port-of-Spain. The clinic also has an emergency room that handles all types of accidents including car accidents.

10.Cedars Medical Center:

Cedars Medical Center is a private hospital located in the capital city of Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain. It is a referral center for all medical needs, from acute care to complex surgical procedures.

The Cedars Medical Center offers state-of-the-art facilities for both inpatient and outpatient services. The hospital has a total of 26 beds and 24 operating theaters, which are equipped with the most advanced surgical equipment available today.

11.St. Barnabas Hospital:

St. Barnabas Hospital, a private hospital in Trinidad and Tobago, has been on the forefront of medical innovation. The hospital is committed to providing the best care to its patients.

St. Barnabas Hospital is a private hospital located in the capital city of Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. It was founded by Dr. William Stokes in 1832 as an Anglican missionary hospital and became a member of the Canadian Catholic Health Association in 1978

The hospital has two locations: one at Queen’s Park Savannah in Port-of-Spain with over 400 beds and one at Ransford Medical Centre with over 100 beds. At both locations, St Barnabas offers 24/7 care and emergency services for acute illness or injury

12.John A. Logan Hospital:

John A. Logan Hospital of Trinidad and Tobago is a public hospital in Trinidad and Tobago. It is located on the north coast of the Caribbean Sea, south of the Gulf of Paria.

The hospital building was designed by architect John Henry Chamberlain as a single-storey building with four wings that are connected by a central courtyard. The four wings are linked by corridors, which are also used for parking for hospital staff and visitors.

John A. Logan Hospital of Trinidad and Tobago is one of the best hospitals in Trinidad and Tobago with well-equipped facilities that offer medical care to patients from all over the world

13.Hospital Dr. Ignacio de la Roque:

Trinidad and Tobago is the country of Trinidad and Tobago. It is an island in the Caribbean Sea. The capital city of Trinidad and Tobago is Port-of-Spain.

The hospital Dr. Ignacio de la Roque of Trinidad and Tobago offers a range of services including high quality treatment for patients with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, kidney failure, liver disease, neurological disorders, fertility problems and more. The hospital has also been accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI).

In terms of location, the hospital is located in Queens Park in central Trinidad and Tobago. In terms of facilities offered to patients at Dr. Ignacio de la Roque Hospital, it has a 24-hour emergency room as well as a pediatric emergency room. It also has an outpatient clinic

14.Hospital Dr. George Bernard Shaw:

Dr. George Bernard Shaw is a hospital in Trinidad and Tobago. It is located at the intersection of 20th Avenue and 21st Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.

Dr. George Bernard Shaw has been providing quality health care to its patients since it was founded in 1934 by Dr. Herbert Fenton. Dr. Herbert Fenton was a doctor who had trained in England and came to Trinidad with the dream of establishing a modern hospital for the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

The hospital has an address of 20th Avenue and 21st Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago with facilities like Emergency Services, Medical Services, Outpatient Services, Laboratory Services

15.St. Vincent’s Medical Center:

St. Vincent’s Medical Center of Trinidad and Tobago is a medical center that provides medical care, dental services, and surgical procedures to the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

St. Vincent’s Medical Center of Trinidad and Tobago is located in the capital city of Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. It has been providing quality healthcare services since 1894. The hospital has a total area of 1,072 square meters with a bed capacity for 192 patients. With state-of-the-art equipment, St Vincent’s Medical Center is equipped to provide care for all kinds of patients including children.

The hospital also offers outpatient services such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, social work counseling and psychological counseling among others. The hospital


16.Queen Elizabeth Hospital:

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital of Trinidad and Tobago is one of the major hospitals in Trinidad and Tobago. It is located on the Queen’s Park Savannah.

The hospital was founded in 1887 by Sir William MacGregor, the Governor of Trinidad and Tobago. It was first known as the British Hospital, but changed its name to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in 1939 when it became a public institution. The hospital is managed by a Board of Governors appointed by the Governor General of Trinidad and Tobago.

17.Mater Dei Hospital:

Mater Dei Hospital is a private hospital that provides healthcare services to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.

Mater Dei Hospital has a total of 10 wards and about 70 beds. The hospital is located in Arouca, Trinidad and Tobago. It has been accredited by Joint Commission International since 2005.

The Mater Dei Hospital provides services such as inpatient, outpatient, emergency care, surgical specialties, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, radiology services, internal medicine and psychiatry.

The hospital also offers specialized care such as cardiology/heart surgery with cardiac catheterization lab (CCL), stroke unit with CT scan facilities and MRI scanner for patients who need these procedures.

18.Haseley Hall Hospital:

Haseley Hall Hospital of Trinidad and Tobago is the best place to have your medical procedures done. It has a wide range of facilities including world-class equipment and highly trained staff.

The Haseley Hall Hospital is located in the capital city of Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. The hospital is easily accessible by public transport or private cars. It’s location makes it easy to get to from anywhere in the country.

19.Central Mental Hospital:

The Central Mental Hospital of Trinidad and Tobago is a public mental health facility that provides services for patients with mental illness, substance abuse, and intellectual disability.

The hospital has been operational since 1883. It is located in the capital city of Port-of-Spain on the southern coast of Trinidad. The hospital was started as a small cottage hospital but has since grown to become one of the largest hospitals in the Caribbean region. It currently has over 2,000 beds and employs more than 2,500 people.

The Central Mental Hospital provides both inpatient and outpatient care to patients from all parts of Trinidad and Tobago as well as other countries in the Caribbean region. It also provides services for international patients through its sister hospitals located in Jamaica and Grenada.

20.North West Regional Health Authority:

North West Regional Health Authority of Trinidad and Tobago is located at the North Western Region of Trinidad and Tobago.

The North West Regional Health Authority of Trinidad and Tobago has a central location that makes it easy for people to find it. The main office is in the capital city, Port of Spain, but there are also offices in San Fernando, Arima, Couva, Chaguanas and Penal.

North West Regional Health Authority has a variety of facilities including outpatient clinics, emergency departments, nursing homes and other medical services.


1.25 Best Hospital near Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago | Facebook – last updated on Dec, 2022. (2022). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from Facebook.com website: https://web.facebook.com/biz/port-of-spain-port-of-spain-tt/hospital/?_rdc=1&_rdr

2.25 Best Hospital near San Juan, Trinidad and Tobago | Facebook – last updated on Dec, 2022. (2022). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from Facebook.com website: https://web.facebook.com/biz/san-juan-san-juan-laventille-regional-corporation-tt/hospital/?_rdc=1&_rdr

3. Trinidad & Tobago Medical Centres. (2016). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from Tntisland.com website: http://www.tntisland.com/medical.html

4.Hunte, S.-A., Pierre, K., St. Rose, R., & Simeon, D. T. (2020). Health Systems’ Resilience: COVID-19 Response in Trinidad and Tobago. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene103(2), 590–592. https://doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.20-0561

5. Bahall, M. (2018). Health services in Trinidad: throughput, throughput challenges, and the impact of a throughput intervention on overcrowding in a public health institution. BMC Health Services Research18(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-018-2931-2

6.BTI 2022 Trinidad and Tobago Country Report. (2022). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from BTI 2022 website: https://bti-project.org/en/reports/country-report/TTO

7.Trinidad & Tobago Travel Essentials | Essential information and facts for travelling to Trinidad & Tobago. (2015, October 5). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from Roughguides.com website: https://www.roughguides.com/trinidad-tobago/travel-advice/

8.Tobago. (2022). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from Tntyellow.com website: https://www.tntyellow.com/category/Hospitals

9.The practice of psychiatry in Trinidad and Tobago. (2022). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from International Review of Psychiatry website: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09540269974357

10.Reform of the Trinidad and Tobago Health Service: The Limits of Decentralisation on JSTOR. (2012). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from Jstor.org website: https://www.jstor.org/stable/24384428


1.Mount Saint Luke’s Medical Center:

2.San Fernando General Hospital:

3.St James’ Hospital:

4.San Juan De Dios Hospital:

5.Holy Cross Hospital, Port-of-Spain:

6.Dr. George Collymore Memorial Hospital:

7.Victoria Jubilee Outpatient Clinic:

8.St Joseph’s Maternity and Child Welfare Clinic-San Fernando:

9.Point Fortin Health Centre, Incorporated (Private):

10.Cedars Medical Center: 4

11.St. Barnabas Hospital:

12.John A. Logan Hospital:

13.Hospital Dr. Ignacio de la Roque:

14.Hospital Dr. George Bernard Shaw:

15.St. Vincent’s Medical Center:

16.Queen Elizabeth Hospital:

17.Mater Dei Hospital:

18.Haseley Hall Hospital:

19.Central Mental Hospital:

20.North West Regional Health Authority:



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