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Top 20 Hospitals of Turkey

Top 20 Hospitals of Turkey
Top 20 Hospitals of Turkey

Turkey is located in the North of Asia and Europe. It has an area of about 780,000 square kilometers. Turkey has a population of about 78 million people.

The health system in Turkey is a universal healthcare system that is based on three pillars: compulsory social security coverage by employers, compulsory individual coverage with premiums collected by the government, and voluntary coverage.

Turkey spends around 4% of its GDP on healthcare which makes it rank as one of the most expensive countries for medical care in the world. The country ranks at number 42 out of 191 countries in terms of life expectancy but ranks at number 3 in terms of infant mortality rates.

Top 20 Hospitals of Turkey are:

1.Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Hospital:

The Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Hospital of Turkey is the largest academic hospital in the country. It is located in the Cerrahpasa district of Istanbul, Turkey.

The hospital is a teaching hospital affiliated with Istanbul University’s Faculty of Medicine and has more than 1,000 beds.

It has a capacity of 1000 beds and provides medical care to over 1 million people every year.

The hospital also houses the Turkish National Research and Education Network (TUBITAK).

The hospital is an important training center for doctors and nurses as it provides training programs for undergraduate students, postgraduate students, doctors, nurses and other health professionals.

2.Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital:

The Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital is a modern medical institution that has been serving the people of Turkey for over a century. The hospital is located in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. It was founded in 1884 by Dr. Charles Nicolle and Dr. Charles Emile Roux as a small medical school to train young doctors from all over the world.

The Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital is one of the most prestigious hospitals in Turkey with its modern facilities, excellent staff, and advanced technologies.

3.Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Erzurum, Turkey:

The Ataturk Training and Research Hospital is located in Erzurum, Turkey. It is one of the most modern hospitals in the country. The hospital has been built according to international standards with a capacity of 450 beds. It has a wide range of medical and surgical services, including endoscopy, cardiology, gastroenterology, hematology and oncology.

The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment for diagnosis and treatment. The hospital has a trauma center which was established in 2012 for emergency care for accidents and disasters.

4.Istanbul Bilim University Hospital:

Istanbul Bilim University Hospital is one of the best hospitals in Turkey and it is located in Istanbul. It is a private hospital, so it does not provide free services to people who cannot afford to pay for them.

The hospital has a total of 408 beds and 4 different departments that include neurosurgery, orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and general surgery. There are also 5 different clinics that work with the hospital which include cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology.

5.Izmir Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital:

Izmir Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital is located in Izmir, Turkey. The hospital has a total of 7 floors with a total of 180 beds and employs over 500 people.

The hospital features an intensive care unit, emergency department, and operating rooms. It also has a laboratory and radiology departments.

The hospital provides the following services:

-General Medicine -Pediatrics -Surgery -Obstetrics and Gynecology -Psychiatry -Dermatology -Orthopedics

6.Ankara Gazi University Medical Faculty Hospital:

The Ankara Gazi University Medical Faculty Hospital is a healthcare facility that provides medical services to the public. It was established in 1984 and has been providing care for patients from all around Turkey ever since.

The Ankara Gazi University Medical Faculty Hospital is located on the Gazi University campus in Ankara, Turkey. The hospital offers state-of-the-art facilities, such as a trauma center, an emergency department, and an intensive care unit.

7.Istanbul Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Hospital:

Istanbul Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Hospital is one of the oldest and most prestigious hospitals in Turkey. It is a university hospital and serves as the teaching hospital for the Istanbul University. The hospital was founded by Dr. Cerrah Mehmet Bey, who was appointed as the first professor of surgery at Istanbul University in 1884.

The hospital has a long history of providing medical services to all citizens of Turkey, regardless of their origin or religion, and it has been operating since 1883. It has been providing healthcare to patients from all over the world since 1924 when it opened its doors to foreigners.

The hospital offers free medical care to any patient who requires treatment during their stay in Istanbul whether they are Turkish citizens or not.

It also provides a wide range of medical services

8.Istanbul Medipol University Hospital:

Istanbul Medipol University Hospital is one of the best hospitals in Turkey. It was established in 2006 and has been growing ever since.

It’s established on a campus that is located on the European side of Istanbul, at the intersection of two major highways. The hospital has over 700 beds with a capacity to provide services for up to 1,000 patients at a time.

The hospital has an emergency department with an 8-bed Intensive Care Unit, as well as outpatient services and diagnostic facilities such as X-ray, CAT scan and MRI scans. They also have a modern medical library with over 20 thousand books in English, Turkish and Arabic languages.

Istanbul Medipol University Hospital offers its patients some of the best treatments available in Turkey today such as cancer treatments, kidney

9.Ankara Anadolu Medical Faculty Hospital:

Ankara Anadolu Medical Faculty Hospital is a medical institution that provides medical services. It is located in Ankara, Turkey. The hospital has a total of 513 beds and it serves as a tertiary care hospital.

The hospital was founded in 1905 by the Anatolian Railway Company, which was later renamed the Turkish State Railways (TCDD). When it was first established, it had only 30 beds and a staff of 13 people. It served as an infirmary for railway employees until 1919 when it became a health center for the public. In 1951, the hospital became affiliated with Ankara University School of Medicine and in 1954, it became known as Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Hospital.

The facility underwent major renovations between 2005-2008 to expand its capacity

10.Izmir Bayrakli Training and Research Hospital:

Izmir Bayrakli Training and Research Hospital is a hospital that is located in Izmir, Turkey. It was established on 1 June 1963. The hospital has a total of 514 beds and employs more than 2,000 people.

Izmir Bayrakli Training and Research Hospital is one of the largest hospitals in Turkey with 514 beds, more than 2,000 employees and an area of over 100 thousand square meters. It has an emergency department with 24-hour service and also offers outpatient services such as general surgery, neurology, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, orthopedics and gynecology.

The hospital provides training to the medical staffs who are interested in different fields such as nursing or dentistry. The hospital also conducts research on different topics such as

11.Karşıyaka Numune Hospital:

Karşıyaka Numune Hospital is a state hospital in the Karşıyaka district of Izmir, Turkey. It was established in 1985 and has been providing healthcare services to the Turkish public ever since. The hospital is situated in the Karşıyaka neighborhood at a distance of approximately 10 kilometers from the city center.

The hospital has two sub-divisions: one for general medicine and one for specialized medicine. The general medicine division consists of an emergency room, outpatient clinic, intensive care unit, internal medicine department and surgical department with anesthesiology and radiology departments attached to it. The specialized medicine division includes a children’s clinic, urology department with endoscopy unit attached to it and obstetrics and gynecology department with neonatal intensive care unit attached

12.Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine Hospital:

Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine Hospital is a hospital and medical school located in Istanbul, Turkey. The hospital is the largest and oldest medical school in the country. It is a public university hospital affiliated with Istanbul University’s Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine.

The hospital was built by Ottoman Sultan Abdülaziz in 1871 as a military barracks and converted into a military hospital. In 1878, the building was converted into an imperial palace for Abdülaziz’s son Murad V who became Sultan for a brief period before being deposed by his brother Abdülhamid II. The building was then used as an imperial residence for Murad V’s mother Valide Sultan Pertevniyal until her death in 1887.

13.Ankara Atatürk Training and Research Hospital:

Ankara Atatürk Training and Research Hospital is the largest hospital in Ankara. It was built to replace the old Ankara Public Hospital. The hospital provides a wide range of services including emergency care, surgery, radiology, pathology, and more.

The hospital has a total of 715 beds where 585 are for general patients and 30 are for intensive care patients. The remaining beds are reserved for other purposes such as obstetrics (60), pediatrics (25), psychiatry (30) and more.

14.İstanbul Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital:

The Istanbul Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital is one of the most recognized hospitals in Turkey. It has been established in 1975 with the aim of providing medical services to patients. The hospital has a total area of 35,000 square meters and it consists of a General Surgery Department, Neurosurgery Department, Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Department, Obstetrics and Gynecology Departments, Pediatrics Department, Radiology Departments, Pathology Laboratories.

The İstanbul Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital is one of the most recognized hospitals in Turkey. It has been established in 1975 with the aim of providing medical services to patients. The hospital has a total area of 35,000 square meters and it consists of

15.Hacettepe University Ankara School of Medicine Hospital:

Hacettepe University Ankara School of Medicine Hospital is located in Ankara, Turkey. It has a capacity of 500 beds and offers healthcare services to the people of Ankara and surrounding areas. The hospital includes a medical school, which is one of the most prestigious schools in Turkey.

The Hacettepe University Ankara School of Medicine Hospital offers various facilities to its patients including an ambulance service, pharmacy, laboratory and radiology department. It also provides 24-hour emergency care with general physicians, pediatricians and surgeons on duty at all times.

16.Taksim Military Hospital:

Taksim Military Hospital is a hospital in Turkey. It is located in Taksim Square, Istanbul. The hospital has three buildings and a total of 5 floors.

The first building of the Taksim Military Hospital was built in 1868 by the Ottoman Sultan Abdülaziz I. The building has four floors and has been renovated several times since then.

The second building was built in 1918 by the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed VI and had two floors with 100 beds at that time.

The third building was built in 1936 by the Turkish Republic and had two floors with 200 beds at that time but it now has three floors with 300 beds as well as an emergency room, intensive care unit, outpatient clinic, laboratory and pharmacy sections on each floor.

17.Cerrahpaşa University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, Ankara:

The Cerrahpaşa University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, Ankara of Turkey is a modern hospital with an average bed capacity of 400. It has a wide range of medical and surgical services which include cardiology, oncology, nephrology, hematology, neurology and neurosurgery, obstetrics and gynecology as well as general surgery.

The hospital has also been equipped with the latest technology in the field of radiology and laboratory sciences to provide the best possible care for patients.

18.Mevlana University Medical School Hospital, Konya:

Mevlana University Medical School Hospital is a tertiary level hospital in Konya, Turkey. The hospital has a total of 620 beds and provides comprehensive medical care for patients with various diseases.

The hospital has a total of 620 beds and provides comprehensive medical care for patients with various diseases. The Mevlana University Medical School Hospital is a tertiary level hospital in Konya, Turkey. It has been serving the population of Konya and its surrounding areas since 1958.

It was established as the first private university teaching hospital in Turkey by Dr. Fahrettin Kerim Gökay, who donated his house to the foundation which was set up to establish the hospital and later became its first president.

19.Bursa Uludag University School of Medicine Hospitals:

The University Hospital of Uludag is located in the city of Bursa. The hospital was founded in 1990 and has a capacity for 400 beds. The hospital offers a wide range of medical services, including surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry, rehabilitation medicine and dermatology.

The university hospital is one of the largest hospitals in Turkey with its 400 beds. The hospital also has an intensive care unit for patients with severe illnesses or injuries.

It also provides a wide range of medical services including surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry, rehabilitation medicine and dermatology.

20.Izmir Katip Mustafa Pasha State Hospital:

Izmir Katip Mustafa Pasha State Hospital, also known as Kızılay Hospital, is one of the largest and most important hospitals in Turkey. It is located in the center of Izmir, a city on the Aegean coast of Turkey.

The hospital was founded in 1881 by the Ottoman government. The building was designed by architect Jules Bourgoin and was built between 1881 and 1883. Kızılay Hospital has been a major teaching hospital since its establishment and it still has an active education program today.

The hospital has a total of 6 floors with 4 floors dedicated to patient care while 2 are reserved for administration purposes. The hospital provides services such as surgery, radiology, neurology, cardiology, gynecology


1.Best Hospitals in Turkey | Top Hospitals in Turkey | MedsurgeIndia. (2022, March 7). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from Medsurge India website: https://medsurgeindia.com/best-hospitals-in-turkey/

‌ 2.Health, V. (2019). Best Hospitals in Turkey | Top 10 Hospitals in Turkey. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from Vaidam.com website: https://www.vaidam.com/hospitals/turkey

‌3. home. (2020, May 4). Hospitals in Turkey: Costs, Doctors, and Treatments | MediGence. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from MediGence website: https://medigence.com/hospitals/all/all/turkey

‌4. Parsa Khaknezhad. (2020, August 22). Top Five Best Hospitals in Turkey in 2020 – Medtourpress. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from Medtourpress website: https://medtourpress.ir/en/top-five-best-hospitals-in-turkey/

‌5. Lyfboat. (2022). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from Lyfboat.com website: https://www.lyfboat.com/hospitals/hospitals-and-costs-in-turkey/

‌6. Top Hospitals in Turkey – Best Medical Treatment Centers. (2022). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from medicaltourismco website: https://www.medicaltourismco.com/hospitals-in-turkey/

‌7. OZDEMIR, C. (2018, November 3). The Best Hospitals in Turkey – Medical Center Turkey. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from Treatment abroad | Medical Treatment in Turkey | Medical Center Turkey website: https://www.medicalcenterturkey.com/the-best-hospitals-in-turkey/

‌8. 10 Best Hospitals in Turkey – Updated 2022 | ClinicSpots. (2022). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from Clinicspots.com website: https://www.clinicspots.com/hospitals/turkey

‌9. Hospitals in Turkey. (2021, December 30). Retrieved December 2, 2022, from International Citizens Insurance website: https://www.internationalinsurance.com/hospitals/turkey/

‌10. Mespoir. (2022). Top 10 Best Hospitals in Turkey |Mespoir. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from Mespoir.com website: https://www.mespoir.com/turkey/all/hospitals


1.Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Hospital: 1

2.Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital: 1

3.Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Erzurum, Turkey: 2

4.Istanbul Bilim University Hospital: 2

5.Izmir Ege University Medical Faculty Hospital: 2

6Ankara Gazi University Medical Faculty Hospital: 2

7.Istanbul Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty Hospital: 3

8.Istanbul Medipol University Hospital: 3

9.Ankara Anadolu Medical Faculty Hospital: 4

10.Izmir Bayrakli Training and Research Hospital: 4

11.Karşıyaka Numune Hospital: 4

12.Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine Hospital: 5

13.Ankara Atatürk Training and Research Hospital: 5

14.İstanbul Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital: 5

15.Hacettepe University Ankara School of Medicine Hospital: 6

16.Taksim Military Hospital: 6

17.Cerrahpaşa University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, Ankara: 6

18.Mevlana University Medical School Hospital, Konya: 7

19.Bursa Uludag University School of Medicine Hospitals: 7

20.Izmir Katip Mustafa Pasha State Hospital: 7



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