Eswatini is a country in southern Africa. It has a population of about 1 million people, and it is the smallest country in Africa. The health system in Eswatini has been ranked as the best health system in Africa.
Eswatini is a small, landlocked country with a population of about 1 million people, situated just south of South Africa on the eastern coast of southern Africa. It is the smallest African country by size and population and its per capita GDP ranks among the lowest 10% globally.
Position of health system:
Top 20 Hospitals of Eswatini are:
1.Mpilo Central Hospital:
The government has placed great importance on improving access to healthcare services for all citizens, which includes providing free medical care to those who cannot afford it. The government also invests heavily in education and public awareness campaigns to prevent diseases from spreading rapidly throughout the community.
Mpilo Central Hospital is the largest hospital in Eswatini and has a capacity for approximately 1,000 patients. It is located about 20 kilometers from the capital city of Mbabane.
The hospital is located on a piece of land that is about 5 hectares in size and consists of two main buildings and three wards. The main building has administrative offices, the emergency department, outpatient clinics, an operating theater with a capacity for 30 patients, an intensive care unit with a capacity for 15 patients, physiotherapy department and laboratory services. The second building houses the maternity ward with an operating theater with a capacity for 20 patients, outpatient clinics and physiotherapy services. The third building houses general wards that have beds for 300 patients each. There are also two dormitories where doctors can stay overnight while they are on duty at the hospital on call 24 hours a day.
2.King Sobhuza II Hospital:
King Sobhuza II Hospital is the largest hospital in Eswatini and is located in the capital city of Mbabane.
King Sobhuza II Hospital has a capacity of 1,300 beds and provides services to the city and nearby areas. The hospital offers dental clinics, outpatient clinics, emergency services, intensive care units, surgical services and other healthcare facilities.
The hospital is also equipped with modern facilities like X-ray machine, ultrasound machines and CT scan machines which are used for diagnostic purposes. The hospital also has a helipad that can be accessed by patients who need to be transported from outside the country via helicopter.
3.St Francis Xavier Hospital:
St Francis Xavier Hospital is the first Catholic hospital in Eswatini. It was officially opened on the 13th of October, 1967.
St Francis Xavier Hospital has a total of 2,000 beds and it has been rated as one of the best hospitals in Africa by WHO.
St Francis Xavier Hospital is located in two locations – Mpilo and Linyanti. Mpilo is located at the center of Swaziland’s capital city and it has an emergency department with a capacity for 100 patients and an intensive care unit with a capacity for 25 patients. Linyanti is located at the north-west of Swaziland’s capital city and it houses outpatient clinics, laboratories, radiology services, physiotherapy clinic, pharmacy services, dietetics clinic and more.
4.Kweneng District General Hospital:
The Kweneng District General Hospital in Eswatini is a government-owned hospital. It is located in the capital city of Eswatini, Mbabane.
The Kweneng District General Hospital is the most high-profile hospital in the country. It was established in 1923 and has been providing services to the people of Eswatini for over 90 years now. The hospital has a total of 384 beds and provides a range of services including maternity care, outpatient clinics, emergency care and radiology.
The Kweneng District General Hospital has an impressive range of facilities that are available to its patients including an operating theater, intensive care unit (ICU), general wards, labor wards and post natal wards among others.
5.Mpuluzi District General Hospital:
The Mpuluzi District General Hospital is one of the biggest hospitals in Eswatini. It has a total of nine wards and has a capacity to accommodate up to 1,000 patients. The hospital was opened in May 2007 and was funded by the World Bank.
The hospital is located about 20 km east of the capital city, Mbabane. The hospital is situated on a hilltop with a commanding view of the valley below it. It is surrounded by lush green hills that are home to many animals such as baboons, monkeys, and antelope.
The Mpuluzi District General Hospital offers services for both inpatients and outpatients with an outpatient clinic that sees patients on weekdays from 8am-3pm and on weekends from 8am-1pm. The hospital also offers services for emergencies that are open 24 hours every day of the year.
6..Dzivaresekwa General Hospital:
Dzivaresekwa General Hospital, which is located in the capital city of Eswatini, has a history of over 100 years with a lot of facilities and services.
Dzivaresekwa General Hospital is one of the most well-known hospitals in Eswatini. It is also one of the most well-equipped hospitals in the country because it has a lot of modern facilities and services.
The hospital was established in 1910 by King Mswati III as a Royal Palace for his mother Queen Ntombi. It was then converted into a hospital when King Mswati III took his reigns in 1921.
7.Tsholotsho District General Hospital:
Tsholotsho District General Hospital is a public hospital in Eswatini. It is the main hospital in the district and has been in operation since 2007.
Tsholotsho District General Hospital provides a range of services to its patients, including emergency care, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics and psychiatric services. It also has specialist medical facilities for ophthalmology, dermatology, ENT and dental care.
The hospital is located on the outskirts of Tsholotsho town on the road between Mpumalanga and Swaziland. The hospital was built with an area of 677 square meters and can accommodate up to 100 beds at any given time.
8.Lusaka Central Provincial Hospital and Maternity Center:
The first part of this paper will provide a brief history of the Lusaka Central Provincial Hospital and Maternity Center in Eswatini. The second part will focus on the facilities that are present in the hospital.
Lusaka Central Provincial Hospital and Maternity Center in Eswatini is one of the most important hospitals in Zambia, and it has been providing healthcare services to the people living in Lusaka and surrounding areas for over 50 years.
The hospital is located on Lubunga Hill, which is about 8 kilometers north of city center. It is built on an area that measures about 300 acres, which makes it one of the largest hospitals in Zambia. The hospital was built with a capacity to accommodate up to 1000 patients at a time. It also has a medical school attached to it that trains doctors from all over Zambia
9.Mpilo Central Hospital:
Mpilo Central Hospital is the only hospital in Eswatini. It is located in the capital city of Mpilo, which is a small town on the coast of Lake Malawi. It was established by King Mswati III in 1997, and it has been providing health care to the people of Eswatini since then.
Mpilo Central Hospital provides a range of medical services such as an emergency department, outpatient clinics, diagnostic services, surgical services and maternity and pediatric care. The hospital also has a pharmacy that dispenses medicines for chronic diseases and other conditions.
The hospital has a total bed capacity of 398 beds with 24-hour emergency service provided by four doctors and three nurses. This includes 24-hour operations with six surgeons who perform both general surgery procedures as well as orthopedic surgeries. There are also two obstetricians who provide 24-hour delivery room service for mothers with complications during pregnancy or delivery.
10.Mbabane General Hospital:
Mbabane General Hospital is one of the largest hospitals in Eswatini. It has been providing a wide range of services to patients in and out of the country for over 50 years.
Mbabane General Hospital is located in central Mbabane, and it’s easy to find with its distinctive golden dome. The hospital has a total area of about 2,000 square meters, and it’s equipped with the latest technology.
It has a well-equipped laboratory, an intensive care unit that provides state-of-the-art care for critically ill patients, an emergency room that can handle all types of emergencies, and a pharmacy.
11.Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital:
Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital is a hospital in Eswatini that specializes in pediatric care. The hospital was established in 2005 and has since been providing quality healthcare services to the people of Eswatini.
The hospital provides a range of services from routine to complex care. It is a teaching hospital and also provides training for nurses, midwives, doctors, and other healthcare professionals.
The hospital has seen an increase in the number of patients since it was opened and currently has over 4000 beds, which are used for children with disabilities or chronic diseases such as HIV/AIDS.
12.King George VI General Hospital:
King George VI General Hospital is one of the most important hospitals in Eswatini. It has a lot of facilities and services that are needed in the hospital.
King George VI General Hospital is a public hospital in Eswatini with a capacity of 600 beds. The hospital was established in 1934 by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, who were then the King and Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, respectively.
The hospital provides various services such as emergency care, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, general surgery, intensive care unit (ICU), maternity services including Caesarean sections are performed at the facility as well as medical imaging services such as X-ray, CT scan and ultrasound.
13.Queen Mother Elizabeth Central Hospital (QMEC):
Queen Mother Elizabeth Central Hospital (QMEC) is the only hospital in Eswatini. It is located in the capital city of Mbabane.
The hospital has a capacity of 100 beds and has a total area of about 78,000 square meters.
QMEC offers a wide range of medical services. It provides general medical services, such as surgery, obstetrics, gynaecology and paediatrics. It also offers specialists’ services such as ophthalmology, orthopaedics and otorhinolaryngology (ENT). The hospital also has an operating theatre that can accommodate up to 16 patients at once and a laboratory that can accommodate up to 120 samples at once.
The hospital also provides medical education facilities for students who want to pursue careers in medicine or nursing
14. St. Andrews Hospital:
St. Andrews Hospital in Eswatini is the only hospital in the country and it is located in the capital city of Mbabane. It is a private hospital that provides healthcare to all people who are living or visiting Swaziland. The hospital has various departments including general medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics, orthopaedics and neurosurgery among others.
The hospital has a total bed capacity of 400 with 100 beds for general medicine, 50 beds for surgery, 30 beds for obstetrics and gynaecology, 30 beds for paediatrics, 20 beds for orthopaedics and 10 beds for neurosurgery. The hospital also has a number of facilities available to patients including an accident and emergency department with 12 treatment rooms that can accommodate up to 40 patients at a time; an outpatient department with 4 treatment rooms that can accommodate up to 40 patients at a time; outpatients’ clinic; antenatal
15.Thembisa Children’s Hospital – Mbabane:
This is a hospital that provides a wide range of services to the people of Eswatini. It has been in operation since 2008 and currently has 6 wards, 12 beds, and a total of 362 staff members.
Thembisa Children’s Hospital is located in Mbabane and is the main referral hospital for all the people living in Swaziland. It has been operating since 2008 with over 6 wards, 12 beds, 362 staff members and currently provides services to more than 70 000 patients every year.
Facilities: Thembisa Children’s Hospital specializes in providing outpatient care as well as emergency care for children from all over Eswatini. It also provides tertiary health care services with specialties such as General Surgery, Orthopedics, Gynaecology and Neonatal Medicine among others.
16.St Lazarus Hospital:
St Lazarus Hospital in Eswatini is one of the best hospitals in Africa. It has a history of being the first hospital built in Africa by the Roman Catholic Church.
The hospital was founded in 1864 and was temporarily closed during the colonial era. The hospital re-opened in 1966 as St Lazarus Hospital and is now one of the best hospitals in Africa. The hospital has been accredited with ISO 9001:2015 quality standards since 2008 and it is also listed as one of the top 500 hospitals worldwide.
The hospital has an active medical research department that specializes in oncology, cardiology, nephrology, pediatric nephrology, neurology, pulmonary medicine and rheumatology among other areas
The hospital also offers various outpatient services such as dialysis for kidney failure patients, rehabilitation for stroke patients, psychotherapy for mental health issues among others
It also provides healthcare services to people from neighboring countries like Swaziland and Mozambique
17.Gaborone Central Government Hospital (GCH):
GCH is the main government hospital in the capital city of Eswatini. It has a bed capacity of 600 and provides services to patients from all over the country.
GCH is located on Gaborone Central, which is the central business district of Gaborone. It is one of the biggest public hospitals in Africa and provides services to a large number of patients every year.
The hospital has a capacity for 600 beds and provides services to patients from all over Eswatini, as well as international patients who come from other African countries or other parts of southern Africa.
18.Qacha’s Nek District General hospital (QNGH):
The Qacha’s Nek District General Hospital is located in the central region of Eswatini. It is a public hospital and is managed by the Ministry of Health, Eswatini. The hospital has been in operation since 1971 and currently has a total of 848 beds. The hospital also offers a wide range of services to patients from outside the district.
The QNGH offers services like antenatal care, obstetric care, pediatric care, emergency services, surgery and obstetrics as well as outpatient clinics for medical tests and consultations.
There are three floors in the hospital with an area of about 2000 square meters. There are two wings on each floor that can accommodate 100-200 people each wing. There are also two wards on each floor that can accommodate up to 50 patients each ward .
19.Queen Mabuza Memorial Hospital:
The Queen Mabuza Memorial Hospital in Eswatini is a government-owned hospital which was established in 1954. The hospital has more than 400 beds and offers medical services to patients from the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng and Free State provinces.
The hospital is located on the outskirts of Eswatini’s capital city, Mbabane. It is near the main campus of University of Swaziland and close to other important institutions like the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Technical Training and Ministry of Agriculture.
The Queen Mabuza Memorial Hospital has many facilities for patients such as a reception area with an information desk, waiting room with benches for patients’ use while they are waiting for their turn at treatment or consultation, examination rooms and treatment rooms. The hospital also has an operating theatre that can accommodate up to 20 people at one time.
20.Ntshingwayo Provincial General Hospital:
The Ntshingwayo Provincial General Hospital in Eswatini is a public hospital that offers medical care to the residents of the province. This hospital is located in Mbombela, the capital city of Eswatini. The hospital has a total of 9 departments that offer different services such as surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics and neonatal care, radiology and pathology. The hospital also has its own laboratory for blood analysis and diagnostic tests.
Ntshingwayo Provincial General Hospital in Eswatini provides quality healthcare to its patients by having an active emergency department with 24-hour coverage. It also has an intensive care unit where patients are monitored around the clock.
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4.Kweneng District General Hospital:
5.Mpuluzi District General Hospital:
6..Dzivaresekwa General Hospital:
7.Tsholotsho District General Hospital:
8.Lusaka Central Provincial Hospital and Maternity Center:
11.Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital:
12.King George VI General Hospital:
13.Queen Mother Elizabeth Central Hospital (QMEC):
15.Thembisa Children’s Hospital – Mbabane:
17.Gaborone Central Government Hospital (GCH):
18.Qacha’s Nek District General hospital (QNGH):