Home South America Top 20 Hospitals in Ecuador

Top 20 Hospitals in Ecuador


Ecuador is a country in South America. It has a population of 14.5 million people, with an area of 283,000 square kilometers. Ecuador is the second most populated country in Latin America and it has the third largest economy in Latin America.

Ecuador’s health system is largely government-funded and it provides universal health care to its citizens through a publicly funded healthcare system known as Seguro Social. The Ecuadorian Government also ensures that all citizens have access to health care by providing subsidies for those who cannot afford it or do not have insurance coverage.

Position of Health system in Ecuador:

The World Health Organization (WHO) ranks Ecuador first out of all countries in the region when it comes to infant mortality rate, life expectancy, maternal mortality rate and under five mortality rate.

Top 20 Hospitals in  Ecuador are:

1.Hospital Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Quito:

Santo Domingo de los Colorados is a hospital in Quito, Ecuador. It was founded on January 26, 1892 by the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. The hospital has been operating continuously since its foundation and it is one of the most important hospitals in Ecuador. It is located on Avenida Jorge Washington in the district of Santiago with a total area of 8,700 square meters and an occupancy rate of 100%.

The hospital has three units: General Medicine, Surgery and Pediatrics. It also offers specialized services for cardiology, nephrology, pulmonology and ophthalmology. The team at Santo Domingo de los Colorados has a total capacity for 1,200 patients at any given time with 60 beds available in each unit as well as 12 operating rooms.

The hospital has four floors which are arranged around a central courtyard with gardens covering 2 hectares that offer serenity to the patients during their stay there.

2.Hospital General de Manta:

Manta is the capital of Ecuador and the largest city in the country. It is also a popular tourist destination, with many places to visit, such as the Basilica of Manta, which has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Hospital General de Manta provides healthcare services to all citizens and visitors in the city of Manta. The hospital was built in 1854 by order of President Juan José Flores with funds donated by members of society and friends like Lázaro Cárdenas.

The hospital complex has 7 wards and 4 operating rooms that are able to provide services for surgery and other medical procedures. It also features a helipad for emergency medical transportations.

3.Hospital San Pablo, Guayaquil:

The Hospital San Pablo is a well-known public hospital in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The hospital was founded in 1793 and has been providing healthcare services to the city since then.

The facilities of the hospital include a maternity ward, an emergency room, a surgical unit, and an intensive care unit. It also has its own helipad for emergency medical evacuations. There are also private rooms available for patients who can afford them.

There is also a pharmacy that provides prescription drugs at affordable prices to patients who do not have health insurance or cannot afford them from their own pockets.

There are various other facilities that patients can avail of such as physiotherapy clinics and medical laboratories that provide specialized tests and treatments for different illnesses and diseases.

4.Hospital del Quipus, Quito:

Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is a city with many attractions and places to visit. It has been known as the “Athens of the Andes” due to its vibrant culture and history. It is also home to some of the best hospitals in South America.

Quito is located in a valley surrounded by mountains that provide natural beauty and fresh air. It has many parks and green spaces, including Parque La Carolina, Parque Los Pinos, Parque El Ejido, and Parque El Recreo. The city also offers a variety of cultural activities such as art galleries, museums, festivals and more.

The Quipus Hospital del Quipus offers outpatient services for patients with various medical conditions including orthopedics, urology, cardiology and gynecology. In addition to its outpatient services for patients with various medical conditions it also offers surgical procedures such as joint replacement surgery on adults or pediatric orthopedic surgery on children under 12

5.Hospital San Francisco de Quito:

Quito is the capital of Ecuador. It is a city that is located in the Andes mountain range at an elevation of 3,850 meters above sea level. Quito’s population is estimated to be 3 million people.

San Francisco de Quito Hospital

In San Francisco de Quito, there are many facilities for patients and visitors to use. For example, there are 24-hour emergency services, outpatient services with medical consultations, surgical and dental clinics, dialysis centers, oncology and radiology services as well as laboratories for blood tests and X-ray imaging.

The hospital also has a pharmacy with a wide variety of medications for sale at affordable prices.

6.Hospital Dr. Ricardo Palma:

Dr. Ricardo Palma is a public hospital in Ecuador and it has been providing quality healthcare services since 1983. This hospital has a lot of facilities and services that are needed by the people of the city.

The hospital provides a wide range of services including emergency care, cancer treatment, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry and mental health. The hospital also offers onsite laboratory testing, radiology services and dental care.

Dr. Ricardo Palma also offers an outpatient clinic for patients who need to be seen for follow-up appointments or as an alternative to inpatient care when they can’t stay overnight at the hospital. The outpatient clinic offers medical consultations from 8am to 6pm every day except Monday when it is open from 8am to 2pm only.

7.Hospital San Juan de Dios:

Hospital San Juan de Dios is a hospital in Ecuador. It is considered one of the most important hospitals in the country, being the first to be founded in Ecuador.

Hospital San Juan de Dios has a history of over 300 years and it is located in the city of Quito, capital city of Ecuador. The hospital provides medical assistance to people from all over the country and also has an international reputation for its quality services.

San Juan De Dios Hospital has a courtyard with flowers and trees, as well as a garden with fruit trees that provide fresh produce for patients and staffs. The hospital also has parking lots for visitors and patients who use wheelchairs or have difficulties walking up stairs.

8.Hospital San Rafael de Bagua-Bagua:

San Rafael de Bagua-Bagua is a hospital in Ecuador. It is the main hospital in the city of Bagua, which is located in the province of Azuay. The hospital has a total of 20 beds and offers services for both outpatient and inpatient care.

It was founded on December 24, 1838 by Fray Diego de Salamanca y Astudillo, who was born on November 27, 1792. He died at the age of 54 and was buried at this site on January 16, 1856.

The hospital is known for its beautiful building and has been designated as a national monument since 1978. It also houses one of the oldest pharmacy collections in Ecuador that dates back to 1842 (with a collection that includes more than 2,500 antique pharmaceuticals).

9.Hospital El Carmen del Ibarra:

El Carmen del Ibarra is a public hospital in Ecuador. It offers services to the local population and provides medical care for all who need it.

The hospital is located in the city of Ibarra, which is about 1 hour and 10 minutes from Quito, the capital of Ecuador.

The hospital has a total of 8 beds, both private and semi-private rooms.

El Carmen del Ibarra has some facilities for patients with disabilities, such as wheelchairs for those with mobility issues. There are also special rooms for people who are mentally ill or have Alzheimer’s disease.

10.Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud:

Quirónsalud is a private hospital in Ecuador. It has a long tradition of excellence and its main objective is to provide the best quality healthcare services.

The hospital has four buildings: the main building, the central building, the medical center, and the new building.

In addition to its location in Quito, it also has an address of Av. Eloy Alfaro and Av. Espejo with an area of ​​3 hectares (7 acres). It has 486 beds divided into 7 departments: general surgery, cardiovascular diseases, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, internal medicine with a 24-hour emergency service as well as outpatient services such as oncology and hematology.

Quirónsalud also provides services for patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus or hypertension. The hospital offers outpatient care through its multidisciplinary team of specialists that includes physicians in internal medicine, cardiology or neph

11.Hospital San Vicente de Paul:

San Vicente de Paul hospital is located in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. It was built in the 18th century and has been a leading institution in health care for over 300 years.

The hospital has 35 beds and offers specialised medical services such as surgery, ophthalmology, neurology, and cardiology. It also provides a wide range of support services including orthopedics and rehabilitation.

The health care system in Ecuador is supported by the Ministry of Health which is responsible for overseeing all aspects of healthcare delivery including hospitals, clinics and community-based healthcare providers. The ministry aims to provide quality health care while keeping costs low.

12.Hospital Eloy Alfaro:

The Eloy Alfaro Hospital in Ecuador is a public hospital that provides health care services to the people of the country. It was founded in 1894 and has been serving the community ever since.

The hospital’s location is on a hill overlooking Quito, Ecuador’s capital city. It is easily accessible by car or bus, and has a well-equipped maternity ward as well as high-quality medical facilities.

The Eloy Alfaro Hospital has an average of 500 births per month with an average stay of 4 days. The hospital also offers outpatient services such as physical therapy, radiology, occupational therapy and pediatrics to its patients

13.Hospital La Floresta:

La Floresta is a hospital in Ecuador that has been providing medical services to the country since 1978.

It was built with the help of volunteers, doctors and employees who wanted to contribute to the development of their country.

The hospital is located in a city called Ibarra, which is in the province of Imbabura, Ecuador. It has two buildings: one for male patients and one for female patients.

The hospital also has an emergency room and outpatient care center. The outpatient care center offers consultations with specialists including cardiology, neurology, endocrinology and gastroenterology. In addition La Floresta also offers services such as dental care, pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology and ophthalmology among others.

14.Quito Women’s Hospital:

The Quito Women’s Hospital is a public hospital in the Ecuadorian capital city of Quito. It was founded in 1892 and is the oldest hospital of the country.

The main entrance of the hospital is located on Avenida Colombia, a major avenue in central Quito. The hospital has four entrances: two on Avenida Colombia and two others on Avenida Santo Domingo.

It has an area of about 1,000 square meters and can accommodate up to 300 patients at a time. It also has an emergency department with 24-hour service and a total staff of around 350 people.

The hospital offers services for gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, surgery, internal medicine, dentistry and radiology.

15.Cesar Chavez Children’s Hospital:

Cesar Chavez Children’s Hospital is the largest children’s hospital in Ecuador. It is located in Quito, Ecuador and it provides a wide range of medical services to children and their families.

The hospital has three floors in total with a total of 150 beds. It also has an emergency room, outpatient clinic, intensive care unit, pediatric surgery unit and pediatrics wards. The hospital can also provide support for people that are not directly related to the child.

In addition to the medical services provided by the hospital, they also have nursing services that can provide support for people that are not directly related to the child or family member. They also have a cafeteria where people can eat or drink while they are at the hospital.

16.Quito Medical University Hospital:

The Quito Medical University Hospital in Ecuador is a public hospital. It was founded in 1877 and is the second oldest university hospital in South America.

The Quito Medical University Hospital provides healthcare services to the people of Ecuador. It has a staff of over 2,000 doctors and more than 1,000 nurses. The hospital has state-of-the-art equipment and facilities that are capable of providing quality medical care to patients from all over the world.

Quito Medical University Hospital provides comprehensive healthcare services that include emergency care, maternity care, pediatric care, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, radiology and other areas of expertise.

17.St Joseph’s Hospital:

St Joseph’s Hospital in Ecuador is a public hospital that provides services to the population of Quito, Ecuador. It is one of the largest hospitals in Latin America and has been operating since 1883.

The hospital offers a wide range of services including obstetrics, pediatrics, neonatology, and surgery. They also have a 24-hour emergency room with an on-site ambulance service.

St Joseph’s Hospital in Ecuador has two buildings and they are equipped with modern facilities like CT Scanner and MRI scanners which are essential for the medical staff to provide quality care to their patients.

18.Santa Rosa Clinic and Hospital:

Santa Rosa Clinic and Hospital is a small clinic in the city of Santa Rosa, Ecuador. It’s located in the main square of the town, which makes it easier for patients to find. The clinic is mostly used by locals and people who are visiting Santa Rosa for vacation or business.

The clinic has two doctors and three nurses on staff. It also has a pharmacy with basic supplies like painkillers and antibiotics. There is also a hospital room that serves as the emergency room for people who are not well enough to go home. The location of this hospital makes it difficult for patients to get around without transportation since there is no bus service in Santa Rosa.

There are many facilities that make this hospital an attractive option for patients looking for care when they’re traveling through Ecuador:

– 24-hour emergency service – A pharmacy with basic supplies like painkillers and antibiotics – Doctor consultations available by appointment only

19.Cesar Chavez Children’s Hospital:

Cesar Chavez Children’s Hospital is the largest pediatric hospital in Ecuador. It has been serving the community since its foundation in 1990.

The hospital is located in the city of Quito, Ecuador’s capital and largest city. It is situated on a hill and has a view of the whole city. The main building has four floors and houses more than 100 beds, emergency rooms, clinics and administrative offices.

The hospital offers services like emergency care, surgery, obstetrics and pediatrics to children from all over the country. The hospital also provides services for adults as well as for people with disabilities or chronic diseases such as cancer or HIV/AIDS patients.

20.Monseñor Oscar Andrade Hospital:

This hospital is located in the city of Quito, Ecuador. It is a teaching hospital and has many services, including a pharmacy, emergency department and outpatient clinics. The hospital also has a helipad for air transport.

Monseñor Oscar Andrade Hospital in Ecuador is one of the most renowned hospitals in the country due to its high-quality facilities and services offered. It is also known for being one of the best hospitals in Latin America due to its advanced medical techniques that are used to treat patients with complex diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

The Monseñor Oscar Andrade Hospital offers an array of facilities for patients who need medical attention at different levels. These include dental care, eye care, laboratory tests, radiology services and rehabilitation centers for people with disabilities.


1.Top 5 Hospitals in Ecuador. (2014, July 30). Retrieved January 7, 2023, from Viva Tropical website: https://vivatropical.com/ecuador/top-hospitals

2.In Ecuador, the Top Hospital Now Serves Even More Patients. (2017). Retrieved January 7, 2023, from Ifc.org website: https://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/news_ext_content/ifc_external_corporate_site/news+and+events/news/impact-stories/hospital-metropolitano-ecuador

3.The best equipped hospitals in Ecuador 2020. (2021, September 10). Retrieved January 7, 2023, from Global Health Intelligence website: https://globalhealthintelligence.com/the-best-equipped-hospitals-in-latin-america-in-2020/the-best-equipped-hospitals-in-ecuador-2020/

4.The Best Hospitals in Quito, Ecuador – World Hospital Directory. (2021). Retrieved January 7, 2023, from Worldhospitaldirectory.com website: https://worldhospitaldirectory.com/dr/the-best-hospitals-in-quito-ecuador/

5.The Top Hospitals in Ecuador, Ecuador forum. (2014, December 27). Retrieved January 7, 2023, from https://www.expat.com/ website: https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=431525

6.Live Abroad Now. (2021, November 17). Where is the BEST HEALTHCARE In Ecuador? – Live Abroad Now. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from Live Abroad Now website: https://liveabroadnow.com/best-healthcare-in-ecuador/

7. Excellent Healthcare in Ecuador at a Fraction of U.S. Prices in 2022. (2022, May 12). Retrieved January 7, 2023, from International Living website: https://internationalliving.com/countries/ecuador/health/

8.Top 20 Clinics for Cancer Treatment in Ecuador. (2023). Retrieved January 7, 2023, from Placidway.com website: https://www.placidway.com/search-medical-centers/Cancer-Treatment/Ecuador/1

9.Top eye doctor Ecuador | Affordable & Best eye hospital Ecuador. (2022, July 19). Retrieved January 7, 2023, from EyeMantra website: https://eyemantra.org/ecuador-eye-hospital/

10.Thelwell, K. (2020, September 16). Healthcare in Ecuador – The Borgen Project. Retrieved January 7, 2023, from The Borgen Project website: https://borgenproject.org/healthcare-in-ecuador/


1.Hospital Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Quito:

2.Hospital General de Manta:

3.Hospital San Pablo, Guayaquil:

4.Hospital del Quipus, Quito:

5.Hospital San Francisco de Quito:

6.Hospital Dr. Ricardo Palma:

7.Hospital San Juan de Dios:

8.Hospital San Rafael de Bagua-Bagua:

9.Hospital El Carmen del Ibarra:

10.Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud:

11.Hospital San Vicente de Paul:

12.Hospital Eloy Alfaro:

13.Hospital La Floresta:

14.Quito Women’s Hospital:

15.Cesar Chavez Children’s Hospital:

16.Quito Medical University Hospital:

17.St Joseph’s Hospital:

18.Santa Rosa Clinic and Hospital:

19.Cesar Chavez Children’s Hospital:

20.Monseñor Oscar Andrade Hospital:



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