Home North America Top 20 Hospitals of The Bahamas

Top 20 Hospitals of The Bahamas

Top 20 Hospitals of The Bahamas
Top 20 Hospitals of The Bahamas

Bahamas is a country in the Caribbean that has a lot of natural resources for its citizens. The health system of this country is fairly good and affordable.

The Bahamas is located in the Caribbean Sea, west of Cuba. It has a total area of 330 square miles and a population of roughly 400,000 people. The country’s health system includes public hospitals, private hospitals, and clinics that provide medical care to all citizens who are eligible to receive it.

The Bahamas is ranked as one of the best countries in terms of healthcare systems by WHO (World Health Organization).

Top 20 Hospitals of Bahamas are:

1.Nassau General Hospital:

Nassau General Hospital is the largest hospital of the Bahamas. It has a total of 168 beds, with 5 main departments:

Nassau General Hospital has a long history of providing quality health care to the Bahamas. The hospital was founded in 1894 by Dr. Alexander Kerr and Dr. Thomas Ritchie, who were both practicing physicians at that time.

The hospital is well known for its advanced medical services such as cardiac surgery, orthopedic surgery, and transplantation services among many others.

Nassau General Hospital also provides outpatient services like general surgery, radiology, internal medicine and pediatrics to residents of Nassau County and visitors from around the world.

2.Queen Elizabeth Hospital:

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital of The Bahamas is located in Nassau, Bahamas. It is a tertiary hospital with a wide range of services. It has 2,000 beds and serves as the only referral center for the country’s health care needs.

The hospital offers emergency services, intensive care, general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, cardiology and cardiac surgery. Its radiology department features state-of-the-art equipment for diagnosing and treating patients with cancer or other illnesses.

It also has an oncology unit for patients who need chemotherapy or radiation therapy to fight cancerous cells. The Queen Elizabeth Hospital of The Bahamas is equipped with modern diagnostic equipment and offers a full range of medical treatments in all major fields.

3.St. James Hospital:

St. James Hospital of Bahamas is a public hospital in the Bahamas. It has been providing quality health care services to the people of the Bahamas since it was established in 1972.

St. James Hospital is located at 14th Street, Nassau, Bahamas and is easily accessible from most parts of the country.

The hospital provides emergency services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and has state-of-the-art facilities for diagnosis and treatment of both common illnesses and surgical procedures.

4.New Providence Hospital:

New Providence Hospital is the largest hospital in the Bahamas. It is one of the leading hospitals in North America, Caribbean, and Latin America.

Address: New Providence Hospital

Location: Nassau

Facilities: New Providence Hospital provides a wide range of services to its patients including emergency care, surgery, pediatric care, obstetrics and gynecology services. The hospital has a total of 463 beds. It also has a state-of-the-art cancer center that provides treatments for breast cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer.

5.Cayman Islands General Hospital:

Cayman Islands General Hospital is the largest hospital on the island of Grand Cayman. It has been serving the people of Cayman for over a century. It was established in 1914 by Dr. George Bodden and is now one of the most renowned hospitals in the Caribbean.

Address: The address of this hospital is 1-3 West Bay Street, George Town, Grand Cayman

Location: The location coordinates are 18 degrees, 59 minutes North latitude and 79 degrees, 40 minutes West longitude

Facilities: This hospital has a total number of 496 beds and offers services such as emergency care, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology services, pediatrics, orthopedics and rehabilitation services among others.

6.Bahamas Medical Center:

Bahamas Medical Center is located in the capital city of Nassau. It has a total of 18 floors and an area of 28,000 square meters.

Bahamas Medical Center was founded in 1996 by Dr. Richard G. Lafferty and Dr. Michael A. Krawiec Jr., who is the current president of Bahamas Medical Center.

The Bahamas Medical Center provides services to the residents of the Bahamas as well as to travelers and tourists who are visiting or passing through the country. The hospital has a number of facilities, including a 24-hour emergency department, an outpatient clinic, an outpatient surgery center, and a full-service laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment for analyzing blood samples from patients all over the world.

7.Royal Bahamian Police Force (RBPF) Hospital:

The RBPF Hospital is a public hospital, which provides medical services to the people of the Bahamas. It has a total of 8 floors, with each floor having a specific function.

Royal Bahamian Police Force (RBPF) Hospital is located in the capital city of Nassau, Bahamas – New Providence Island. The hospital is situated at the intersection of West Bay Street and North Street.

The RBPF Hospital has a total number of 6 wards and it can accommodate up to 350 patients at any given time. The hospital also has an emergency ward that can accommodate up to 100 patients at any given time. It also has 6 operating rooms that are regularly used for surgeries, procedures and other medical treatments.

8.Flowers Memorial Hospital:

Flowers Memorial Hospital of The Bahamas is an acute care facility that provides medical and surgical services. It was established in 1983 to provide quality healthcare to the residents of Nassau, New Providence, and the Out Islands.

The hospital has a total of 190 beds with 4 operating rooms, 2 intensive care units, 12 delivery suites, 1 neonatal intensive care unit, 1 cardiac catheterization lab and a state-of-the-art diagnostic center.

The Flowers Memorial Hospital of The Bahamas is located on Shirley Street in Nassau. It is close to West Bay Street which has many shops and restaurants.

9.Princess Margaret Hospital:

Princess Margaret Hospital is the first hospital in the Bahamas and was founded in 1981. It has been providing quality healthcare to the people of Bahamas for over 30 years. The hospital has also been recognized by WHO and UNICEF as a leading health care facility in the country.

The hospital provides medical services, surgical services, maternity care, pediatric care, and emergency medical services to its patients. It also offers a wide range of other specialized healthcare services like orthopedics, neurology, ophthalmology, cardiology, oncology and radiology.

Princess Margaret Hospital is located on Grand Bahama island at West End Road with an address of PO Box 83733

10.Doctors Hospital:

Doctors Hospital of Bahamas is a private hospital located in Nassau, Bahamas. It was founded in the year 2003 and has since grown to become one of the leading healthcare providers in the country.

The hospital offers a wide range of services including general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedics, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, pediatrics and urology. It also provides intensive care units for cardiac surgery and burn care.

Doctors Hospital of Bahamas has a total number of 192 beds with 1 ICU unit with 16 beds.

11.St. Catherine’s Medical Center:

St. Catherine’s Medical Center is a private hospital located in Nassau, Bahamas. It provides the finest quality medical care with its state-of-the-art facilities and services.

Address: St. Catherine’s Medical Center, P O Box 877, Nassau, Bahamas

Location: St. Catherine’s Medical Center is located on Bay Street

Facilities: The hospital offers a wide range of services including emergency care, diagnostic imaging, cardiology and respiratory therapy among others

12.Mount Carmel Medical Center:

Mount Carmel Medical Center is a public hospital in the Bahamas. It is located on the south coast of the island of New Providence. It provides medical services for the residents of The Bahamas and for visitors who come to this country.

The hospital has various departments covering a wide range of specialties, including cardiology, oncology, obstetrics, orthopedics and pediatrics.

Mount Carmel Medical Center has its own helipad and it is one of few hospitals in The Bahamas with a helicopter landing pad.

13.St Luke’s Medical Center:

St Luke’s Medical Center is a state-of-the-art medical facility that offers a wide range of services. The hospital is built on the site of the former St Luke’s Hospital and was officially opened in 2014.

The hospital features state-of-the-art facilities and has been recognized for its high quality care. It has been awarded with the prestigious Accreditation in 2015 by Joint Commission International (JCI).

The hospital is equipped with modern facilities such as a fully air conditioned emergency room, CT scan, ultrasound, MRI, digital X-ray machine and an outpatient lab. It also has special care unit for patients who need long term care or rehabilitation.

14.North Shore Medical Center:

North Shore Medical Center of Bahamas is located in Freeport, Bahamas and provides medical services to the residents of the Bahamas.

North Shore Medical Center is a teaching hospital that provides most of its services to patients from the surrounding islands. It has a total staff of more than 1,000 employees and offers a range of healthcare services for its patients.

The North Shore Medical Center has many facilities including an outpatient clinic, emergency room, operating theater, intensive care unit, and radiology department.

15.San Joaquin General Hospital:

San Joaquin General Hospital of Bahamas is a public hospital and medical center in the Bahamas. It was established in 1984 and it is located within the city of Nassau, on the western coast of the island.

San Joaquin General Hospital of Bahamas provides a full range of services to its patients, including complex surgical procedures, emergency care, and outpatient services.

The hospital has a total bed capacity for 714 patients with more than 1,000 employees. It also has an emergency room with 24-hour coverage by ambulance service from New Providence Hospital.

16.Caribbean University Medical Center:

Caribbean University Medical Center of Bahamas is a private medical center with a mission to provide the best possible care.

Caribbean University Medical Center of Bahamas is located on the famous Paradise Island in Nassau, Bahamas. The hospital has a capacity for up to 180 patients and offers state-of-the-art facilities for patients and visitors.

The medical center has been providing quality care since it opened in 2001. It has been recognized by many organizations such as The Joint Commission International, Accreditation Canada, and the American Osteopathic Association.

17.The Bahamas Cancer Society-Hospital for Women and Children:

The Bahamas Cancer Society-Hospital for Women and Childre of Bahamas is located at the corner of East Street, North Street, and North Street in Nassau.

The Bahamas Cancer Society-Hospital for Women and Childre of Bahamas is a non-profit organization that provides care to patients with cancer in the country. It was founded in 1967 by Dr. William F. Parnell as a part of his dream to make cancer a manageable disease.

The hospital has an acute care unit with 60 beds and a surgical unit with 10 beds. The hospital also has an outpatient clinic that offers outpatient services, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgical procedures, breast surgery, MRI scanning and PET scans.

18.King Edward VII Memorial Hospital:

King Edward VII Memorial Hospital is located in Nassau, Bahamas. It is a tertiary referral hospital and provides a wide range of services.

King Edward VII Memorial Hospital is the largest hospital in the Bahamas and the only public hospital in Nassau. It has 400 beds and is one of the leading providers of care for Bahamians.

The Emergency Department at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital has been recognized as one of the best emergency departments in the Caribbean region by The Leapfrog Group, an international organization that assesses hospitals based on their quality, safety, and efficiency.

19.Grace Bay Hospital:

Grace Bay Hospital is located on the beautiful island of Providenciales in The Bahamas. It is a private, not-for-profit hospital that provides healthcare to the people of The Bahamas and tourists.

The hospital has a total of 156 beds, which includes 12 intensive care beds, 18 critical care beds and 6 neonatal intensive care beds.

The hospital has a helipad for emergency cases and provides 24-hour emergency services.

It also has an international airport with direct flights from Miami, New York City, Charlotte North Carolina and Atlanta Georgia.

There are two main entrances: one at the front for the general public and one at the back for staff only.

Grace Bay Hospital is accessible by car or taxi from anywhere on Providenciales

20.University Hospital:

The University Hospital of The Bahamas is a tertiary hospital that provides comprehensive health care services to the Bahamian population. Located in Nassau, the capital city, it is one of the largest hospitals in The Bahamas, with a total area of 12 acres.

The University Hospital of The Bahamas is considered as one of the best hospitals in The Bahamas and it has been ranked as one of the top 100 hospitals in North America by U.S. News and World Report for many years. It offers a wide range of medical services including emergency room, intensive care unit, surgical suites, cancer treatment center and more than 20 other healthcare specialties.

It also has world-class facilities such as an oncology center with six radiation therapy machines and three linear accelerators that can treat cancers anywhere


1.Wikipedia Contributors. (2022, March 14). List of hospitals in the Bahamas. Retrieved December 5, 2022, from Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hospitals_in_the_Bahamas

‌2. ZoomInfo. (2022). Retrieved December 5, 2022, from ZoomInfo website: https://www.zoominfo.com/companies-search/location-bahamas-industry-hospitals-clinics

‌ 3.Expat guide to health care in the Bahamas | Aetna International. (2018). Retrieved December 5, 2022, from Aetnainternational.com website: https://www.aetnainternational.com/en/individuals/destination-guides/expat-health-care-bahamas.html

‌ 4.Public health and Covid-19 in the Bahamas. (2022). Retrieved December 5, 2022, from Worlddata.info website: https://www.worlddata.info/america/bahamas/health.php

‌5. Best Hospitals in Bahamas. (2020, March 4). Retrieved December 5, 2022, from Mozocare Insights website: https://www.mozocare.com/insights/best-hospital-in-bahamas/

‌6. Fast Facts in Bahamas | Frommer’s. (2022). Retrieved December 5, 2022, from Frommers.com website: https://www.frommers.com/destinations/bahamas/planning-a-trip/fast-facts

‌ 7.Thelwell, K. (2019, March 5). Top 10 Facts About Living Conditions in The Bahamas – The Borgen Project. Retrieved December 5, 2022, from The Borgen Project website: https://borgenproject.org/top-10-facts-about-living-conditions-in-the-bahamas/

‌8. The Bahamas – Government and society | Britannica. (2022). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/place/The-Bahamas/Government-and-society

‌9. TODD, J. (2013, January 29). Voters in Bahamas reject gambling referendum. Retrieved December 5, 2022, from San Diego Union-Tribune website: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-voters-in-bahamas-reject-gambling-referendum-2013jan28-story.html

‌10. PERMANENT RESIDENCE – Bahamas Immigration. (2022, November 21). Retrieved December 5, 2022, from Immigration.gov.bs website: https://www.immigration.gov.bs/permits-and-residencies/permanent-residence/


1.Nassau General Hospital:

2.Queen Elizabeth Hospital:

3.St. James Hospital:

4.New Providence Hospital:

5.Cayman Islands General Hospital:

6.Bahamas Medical Center:

7.Royal Bahamian Police Force (RBPF) Hospital:

8.Flowers Memorial Hospital:

9.Princess Margaret Hospital:

10.Doctors Hospital:

11.St. Catherine’s Medical Center:

12.Mount Carmel Medical Center:

13.St Luke’s Medical Center:

14.North Shore Medical Center:

15.San Joaquin General Hospital:

16.Caribbean University Medical Center:

17.The Bahamas Cancer Society-Hospital for Women and Children:

18.King Edward VII Memorial Hospital:

19.Grace Bay Hospital:

20.University Hospital:



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