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Top 20 Hospitals in Japan

Top 20 Hospitals in Japan
Top 20 Hospitals in Japan

Japan is the third most populous country in the world and the second largest economy. It has a high life expectancy and a low infant mortality rate.

Japan’s health system is known for its high quality of care and its low cost. They have a government-funded universal health care system which provides coverage for all Japanese citizens, including those living outside Japan. All citizens are entitled to free medical treatment which is provided by doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals employed by the state.

Japan has a long history of providing health care to its people, with many of their traditional practices still in place today. They have seen many advancements in recent years with more emphasis on preventative measures rather than curative ones. This is due to the fact that preventative measures are often more affordable than curative ones.

Top 20 Hospitals in Japan are:

1.Tokyo Medical University Hospital:

The hospital is located in Tokyo, Japan. It is one of the largest medical universities in Japan. It was founded in 1871 and is the second oldest medical school in Japan after Tokyo Medical University.

Its main campus covers an area of and has a total of over 6,000 beds. The hospital has a staff of about 5,000 employees and 2,000 students studying medicine at undergraduate level or postgraduate level. The hospital also conducts research projects on various areas such as basic science, clinical studies and health policy.

The hospital uses open architecture to design its buildings to accommodate patients’ needs while reducing energy consumption and costs for the environment. This approach also helps to reduce air pollution by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere from its operation; which can be avoided by using energy-efficient lighting systems like LED light bulbs or HID lights (high intensity discharge). The hospital uses renewable energy sources such as wind power for electricity generation, solar power for lighting systems .

2.Kyoto University Hospital:

“Kyoto University Hospital of Japan is a university hospital in Kyoto, Japan. The hospital has been founded in 1873 as the Kyoto Imperial University School of Medicine and became a national university hospital in 1946. It is a teaching hospital and research center for the medical sciences and health care services, with an annual budget of ¥1.6 billion (US$15 million).

It is located in the city’s northern edge on the west side of Hiyoshi-cho, north of Dōjima-dori (the main east-west street) and west of Ōyama-dori (the main north-south street). The campus itself is on two hills: Higashiyama to the northeast, Higashiyama 2nd to the southeast, and Komachi to the southwest.

The campus was designed by architect Yasutaro Nitta who also designed Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building.”

3.Nagoya City University Hospital:

The hospital is located in the Nagoya city, a city in central Japan. It is one of the largest hospitals in Japan and it has a number of facilities including medical school, research center, etc.

The hospital is located in the Nagoya city, a city in central Japan. It is one of the largest hospitals in Japan and it has a number of facilities including medical school, research center, etc.

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4.Tokyo Women’s Medical University Hospital:

The hospital is located in the heart of Tokyo and is one of the top hospitals in Japan. The hospital has a large number of medical centers, outpatient clinics, and research facilities. The hospital has a state-of-the-art medical center for cancer treatment that is equipped with high-tech equipment such as CT scanners, MRI machines, and other high tech equipment.

The hospital also has an outpatient clinic for people who have minor illnesses and diseases. The clinic offers treatment for diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, herpes simplex virus infections, etc.

The facility also provides services like physical therapy to patients who need it. There are several types of physical therapy available at the facility including rehabilitation therapy for patients with spinal cord injuries or brain injuries and occupational therapy for patients with disabilities or physical disabilities.

The clinic also offers a variety of services like ambulance services to patients who are in urgent need of emergency assistance such as cardiac arrest or stroke victims to help them get their

5.Yokohama City General Hospital:

The Hokuriku branch of the Yokohama City General Hospital is a facility for regional treatment, and it provides medical services to the region. It is also an important city in Japan.

The Yokohama City General Hospital in Japan has a huge number of facilities, including an emergency room, a radiology department, and an operating theater. The hospital’s radiology department has been the center of attention for many years.

The Yokohama City General Hospital was established in 1885 and was built as a private hospital by the local government at that time. In 1918, it was nationalized as part of the Japanese government’s efforts to modernize its health system. In 1959, it became part of the city-run medical system and became known as Yokohama City General Hospital (Yokohama Gyōrihō). It was reorganized into its current form on April 1, 1999 by merging with other hospitals into one entity under the name YCMH .

6.Yokohama Red Cross Hospital:

The hospital is located in Yokohama, Japan. It is a public facility. It has been established in 1957 and it has the capacity to treat around 600 patients every day.

In 2017, it was ranked as the 10th best hospital by “The Guardian”. The facility provides free access to its services and treatments to everyone who lives nearby. This means that people in Yokohama can access the hospital’s services without having to pay anything. In this way, they can be given the service that they need without having to worry about paying for it. This is a very convenient way of providing medical care because there are not many hospitals where people don’t have to pay for their treatment at any time of the year or where they have no way of being able to leave the area without paying for their treatment.

7.Jikei University Hospital – Kitasato Campus:

The hospital is located in Kitasato, Tokyo. It is a teaching hospital, with a large number of medical specialties and internships.

The hospital has an address of 3-2-6 Kitasato, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0001. The facility has facilities such as the Kansai General Hospital, the Kansai International University Hospital and the Nippon Medical School Hospital. It also has a facility for research and development in medicine and surgery. There are facilities for patients with heart disease as well as for patients with cancer or diabetes.

The university owns two campuses: one in Tachikawa City (Takayama City) and another one in Kitasato City (Kitsusato). The latter was built on the site of an old mansion that had been used as a military barracks during WW2. The campus was opened to students in 1972 after having been used by the university since its establishment in 1875 (the first

8.Yamanashi Central and West Hopsital:

Yamanashi Central and West Hopsital are located in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. They are both major hospitals and medical facilities. The most important thing to know about them is that they are the second largest hospital in Japan after Tokyo Metropolitan Hospital. They provide a wide range of services for their patients and residents.

The Yamanashi Central Hospital has a total of 3,400 beds which can accommodate more than 1 million people per year. It is one of the largest hospitals in Japan with a population over one million people. It also has more than 200 medical specialties including orthopedics, cardiology, psychiatry, neurology and gynecology.

The West Hopsital is located in Nagano Prefecture and it is the smallest hospital in Japan with only 300 beds but it provides an extensive range of services to its patients such as psychiatry, neurology, gynecology etc.. In addition to that they also have an operating theater which can perform more than

9.Osaka University Hospital:

Osaka University Hospital of Japan is a teaching hospital in Japan. It is a leading hospital in the field of medicine and surgery. The hospital has been serving the medical community for over 100 years.

The hospital has over 15,000 employees and more than 1,200 doctors and nurses. The hospital has four floors including an emergency room on each floor. The building also includes a 24-hour emergency room as well as an operating room for surgery, a radiotherapy treatment center and other departments with advanced technology such as MRI machines, CT scanners, nuclear medicine imaging facilities etc., all located on the same floor.

10.Chiba Toho General Hospital:

Chiba Toho General Hospital is a public hospital in Chiba City, Japan. The hospital was established in 1872 and has been continuously operating since then. It is one of the largest hospitals in Japan. The hospital has an area of 947 ha, which is about the same size as Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Onodera City Hall.

The hospital has a total of 5 floors with more than 50 departments, including the Emergency Department, Internal Medicine Department and Cardiology Department. There are also special departments such as Neurology Department and Surgery Department that are not included in other hospitals’ facilities.

11.Juntendo University Hospital:

Juntendo University Hospital is a teaching hospital of the University of Tokyo. Juntendo Hospital is located in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. It was established in 1948 as a teaching hospital for medical students and physicians. The hospital has over 200 beds and serves as an academic medical center for the University of Tokyo and other affiliated hospitals.

The hospital has been involved in research since its founding, with major contributions by researchers including Yoshinobu Fujita, Akira Iriye, Tomonari Hata, Masayuki Takahashi and Koichi Tanaka. In recent years it has been involved in clinical trials to study the effectiveness of new drugs for cancer treatment; these trials have included collaboration with pharmaceutical companies such as Roche and Novartis.

In 2016 Juntendo Hospital was awarded the Kyoto Prize for Medical Science by the city of Kyoto after being nominated by several international organizations (including some from outside Japan).

12.Nagoya University Hospital:

Nagoya University Hospital of Japan is a university hospital in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. It is a public institution under the control of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

It was founded in 1878 as a medical school and became a teaching hospital in 1891. In 1927, it was designated as an independent hospital for the treatment of mental diseases. In 1951 it was designated as an independent hospital for heart diseases and in 1972 it became an independent hospital for neurology and neurosurgery. Furthermore, from May 1st 2010 to May 1st 2015, it underwent major renovations at which time the name changed to Nagoya University Hospital (NUH).

The main building has been designated as a National Historic Site since September 11th 2000 due to its historical importance within the history of medicine in Japan.

13.Kyushu University Hospital (Fukuoka):

Kyushu University Hospital (Fukuoka) is a teaching hospital in Japan. It has been founded in 1871 by the Imperial Japanese Army. The hospital is located on the campus of Fukuoka University (FU). It has a total of 1,768 beds and can accommodate up to 2,000 patients at any time.

The hospital’s name was changed to Kyushu University Hospital in 1998 after it was renamed as Fukuoka City Hospital. In 2002, Kyushu University Hospital was merged with the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at Fukui University and became a part of the university. In 2007, it was decided that Kyushu University Hospital would become an affiliate school of Fukui Medical School, joining forces with its two other hospitals in order to form an integrated medical education system for teachers and students from around Japan.

14.Tokyo Dental College and Hospital:

The Dental College and Hospital of Japan is located in the heart of Tokyo, Japan. It is one of the leading dental schools in the world.

The school has been a pioneer in developing education and training for dentists, providing them with advanced education and training in dental surgery, oral medicine, orthodontics, endodontics, periodontology and implantology.

In addition to dental education, it also offers graduate courses that are designed to meet the needs of dentists working at hospitals or clinics around the world. In addition to its professional courses it also offers a wide range of undergraduate courses that provide students with interesting knowledge on all aspects related to dentistry.

15.Kitasato University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan:

The hospital is located in Kitasato, Tokyo, Japan. It is the largest teaching hospital in Japan. The hospital has a total of 753 beds and it has been ranked as one of the best hospitals in the world.

The hospital is also one of the biggest employers and students are attracted to it because of its high quality education, facilities and excellent research facilities.

The university’s main campus of Kitasato University Hospital consists of 3 campuses:

This section contains information about all types of medical equipment that are used at Kitasato University Hospital:

16.Kanazawa Municipal Central Hospital:

This article is about the history of the Kanazawa Municipal Central Hospital of Japan. It is a hospital which was established in 1847 and it belongs to the city of Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture.

The hospital was named after its founder, Dr. Shinobu Hirayama. It was established as a “hospital for patients suffering from diseases” and it has been serving patients since 1847 until today.

It is one of Japan’s oldest hospitals and it has been operating continuously since 1847. The hospital has received several awards such as the “Best Hospital of Ishikawa Prefecture” in 2006 and “Top Hospital in Japan” from J-Gate in 2010.

17.Osaka City General Hospital:

The Osaka General Hospital is located in the city of Osaka, Japan. The hospital is a teaching hospital of the University of Tokyo and is one of the most prestigious medical institutions in Japan. It has a long history, having been founded in 1871 as a military hospital for soldiers stationed at Kofu Castle and later on expanded to include civilian patients.

In 2002, it was renamed to its current name – Osaka General Hospital – and went through several major changes including being moved from Edo period to modern-day location in 2003. The hospital has about 1 million patients each year as well as about 3,000 employees.

18.Kobe City Hospital:

The hospital is located in the city of Kobe in Japan. It has approximately 5,000 beds and it has 30,000 employees.

On a given day, there are about 2,000 patients that are admitted to the hospital. The hospital is located in a busy area and it faces many challenges such as traffic jams, accidents and fires. In this situation, it is very important to have the best care for the patients who are admitted to the hospital. This makes it extremely difficult for doctors to diagnose any problem or give any treatment to patients who need them most urgently. The doctors cannot even see these patients due to their crowded environment or because they have no space for them in their rooms. Some of them have been waiting for over 12 hours before they can be seen by a doctor at all because they were not able to find a place where they could take a nap or sleep peacefully without being disturbed by other people’s noise or lights. These problems make it difficult for doctors and nurses

19.Kansai University Hospital:

Kansai University Hospital is a major teaching hospital in Japan. It is the largest health care facility in the Kansai region, and it is also one of the largest hospitals in Japan. It operates a number of specialized wards, including a pediatric ward, an adult surgery ward, and an intensive care unit (ICU).

The hospital has various departments that work on different aspects such as medical research, cancer treatment and prevention, surgical procedures and treatments, diagnostic tests and other services.

The hospital has been known for its strict safety standards since it was founded in 1873. The hospital’s safety policy was revised in 2009 to include a more stringent system for detecting potential hazards; however, according to the government agency responsible for protecting patients’ health and safety at Kansai University Hospital of Japan (“JSA”), there are still some areas where improvements are needed. In addition to this policy change, many facilities have been upgraded or constructed since 2009. For example:

20.National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan (NCCH):

NCCH is a center for cancer research and treatment. It was established in 1946. NCCH has an international reputation as one of the world’s leading centers for cancer research, treatment, and education. Its main mission is to conduct basic and translational cancer research in collaboration with other institutions.

The NCCH has a strong commitment to providing high-quality patient care, expanding access to advanced treatments, and promoting health worldwide through its extensive network of services including clinical trials, education programs, and scientific collaborations with universities and private organizations.

The center has more than 1 million square meters (1 million square feet) of specialized space dedicated to clinical trials, training facilities, a world-class hospital for patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy or are at risk of developing cancer after surgery or chemotherapy treatments. The hospital also offers specialized services such as oncology nursing care for patients undergoing radiation therapy or chemotherapy treatments; oncology nursing care for patients undergoing surgery; intensive care unit.


1.World’s Best Hospitals 2022 – Japan. (2022, March 2). Retrieved December 7, 2022, from Newsweek website: https://www.newsweek.com/worlds-best-hospitals-2022/japan

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3.Wikipedia Contributors. (2022, July 4). List of hospitals in Japan. Retrieved December 7, 2022, from Wikipedia website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hospitals_in_Japan

4.Clinics in Japan: rating of the best hospitals and prices for treatment in Japan – detailed description. (2021). Retrieved December 7, 2022, from Uniclinics.com website: https://en.uniclinics.com/medical-tourism/japan/clinics/

5. Topic: Hospitals in Japan. (2022). Retrieved December 7, 2022, from Statista website: https://www.statista.com/topics/6498/hospitals-in-japan/

6.Japan: major hospitals conducting surgeries for breast cancer | Statista. (2022). Retrieved December 7, 2022, from Statista website: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1248271/japan-major-hospitals-surgeries-breast-cancer/

7.Hospitals and Clinics (Tokyo) | The Expat’s Guide to Japan. (2021, October 20). Retrieved December 7, 2022, from Expatsguide.jp website: https://expatsguide.jp/health-safety/medical-care/hospitals-clinics-tokyo/

8.Japan’s Hospitals Face Financial Hardships Under COVID-19. (2021, March 4). Retrieved December 7, 2022, from nippon.com website: https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-data/h00948/

9.Wahba, S. (2021, November 3). Best Hospitals in Japan 2021. Retrieved December 7, 2022, from University Magazine website: https://www.universitymagazine.ca/best-hospitals-in-japan-2021/

10.Kient. (2022, December 7). Anti-bribery laws, industry codes in Japan’s healthcare sector. Retrieved December 7, 2022, from Law.asia website: https://law.asia/japan-healthcare-sector-laws/


1.Tokyo Medical University Hospital:

2.Kyoto University Hospital:

3.Nagoya City University Hospital:

4.Tokyo Women’s Medical University Hospital:

5.Yokohama City General Hospital:

6.Yokohama Red Cross Hospital:

7.Jikei University Hospital – Kitasato Campus:

8.Yamanashi Central and West Hopsital:

9.Osaka University Hospital:

10.Chiba Toho General Hospital:

11.Juntendo University Hospital:

12.Nagoya University Hospital:

13.Kyushu University Hospital (Fukuoka):

14.Tokyo Dental College and Hospital:

15.Kitasato University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan:

16.Kanazawa Municipal Central Hospital:

17.Osaka City General Hospital:

18.Kobe City Hospital:

19.Kansai University Hospital:

20.National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan (NCCH):



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