The health care system in Sweden is a universal publicly funded system with private health insurance. It has been ranked first in the world by the World Health Organization and is also ranked as one of the most efficient healthcare systems in Europe.
There are three major players in the Swedish healthcare: The public sector, which covers all citizens and residents living permanently in Sweden, private providers who provide care for those who can afford to pay for it, and third party payers which are mostly companies that offer insurance for employees.
Top 20 Hospitals of Sweden are:
1.Skåne University Hospital:
Skåne University Hospital of Sweden is a university hospital situated in the south of Sweden. It was founded in 1999 and is affiliated with the Lund University. The hospital has around 1,200 beds and employs over 9,000 people.
Skåne University Hospital of Sweden is dedicated to provide high-quality healthcare for patients in Skåne and the rest of southern Sweden.
The hospital has four departments: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Orthopedics and Traumatology. Skåne University Hospital of Sweden also provides a wide range of outpatient services like X-rays, laboratory tests and rehabilitation treatments.
2.Uppsala Universitetssjukhus:
The University Hospital of Uppsala is a state-owned hospital that provides care for more than 1.3 million citizens in the region of Uppsala County and Stockholm County. The hospital has a staff of over 4,000 people and offers high-quality care to all its patients.
The university hospital is located in the town of Uppsala, Sweden. It was founded in 1827 with the goal to provide medical students with practical experience. The hospital has expanded over time and now also provides services for people who live outside the region.
3.Akademiska Sjukhuset:
Akademiska Sjukhuset is a hospital in Sweden that was founded in 1826. It has three campuses, with one in Solna and two in Stockholm.
The hospital is known for its research and development of new treatments and therapies, as well as for its contributions to the Swedish health care system.
Akademiska Sjukhuset has a total of 3,000 beds spread across all three campuses. The hospitals has one of the most modern intensive care units in Europe.
The hospital also houses Sweden’s largest emergency department, which can accommodate up to 500 patients per day and is staffed by more than 100 physicians and nurses.
The hospital provides around-the-clock emergency service, with doctors on call 24 hours a day.
4.Karolinska Universitetsmedicin Stockholm:
Karolinska Universitetsmedicin Stockholm is a university hospital in Sweden. It is situated in the Huddinge municipality of Stockholm County.
It has two campuses, Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska University Hospital Solna.
Karolinska University Hospital Solna is located about 10 kilometres north-east of the main campus of Karolinska Universitetsmedicin Stockholm.
The hospital was founded in 1811 as a result of a donation from King Karl XIII to Queen Lovisa Ulrika, who at that time was the Crown Princess, on her marriage to King Karl XIV Johan.
5.Sahlgrenska University Hospital:
Sahlgrenska University Hospital is located in the city of Gothenburg, Sweden. The hospital is a teaching hospital and it is a university hospital. It has been ranked as one of the best hospitals in Europe and Scandinavia by the U.K.’s “The Times.”
The hospital offers medical, dental and nursing education programs for students. It also has a research institute and a medical library which are open to the public. The Sahlgrenska University Hospital also provides specialized care for people with certain conditions such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, stroke etc.
6.Danderyd Children’s Hospital:
Danderyd Hospital is a children’s hospital in Stockholm, Sweden. It was established in 1930 and has grown to be one of the largest Nordic children’s hospitals.
The hospital is located on the border of Danderyd, Norrtälje and Stockholm. Facilities include an emergency ward for children, day surgery ward, general surgery ward and a pediatric intensive care unit. The hospital also has a helicopter landing pad for use by air ambulance helicopters during emergency transports.
7.Södertälje Hospital:
The Södertälje Hospital is located in the town of Södertälje, Sweden. It is a healthcare facility and it has been in operation since 1891. The hospital was established by the Swedish Red Cross and it was originally known as the Swedish Red Cross Hospital.
The hospital has a total of 7 floors, which are made up of different departments that serve different needs. The first floor is devoted to outpatient care, while the second floor is for psychiatry patients. The third floor houses the emergency department and intensive care unit, while the fourth floor houses pediatrics and neonatal care.
The fifth floor is for general surgery, orthopedics and gynecology patients, while on the sixth and seventh floors there are beds for medical-s
8.Karlskoga Hospital:
Karlskoga Hospital is a hospital located in Karlskoga, Sweden. The hospital is situated on the south-eastern edge of the city and was built in 1884. It has a capacity of 50 beds and provides care for people with infectious diseases, psychiatry, and maternity services.
The hospital offers a wide range of medical services including emergency care, surgery, rehabilitation therapy, intensive care unit (ICU), and neurology.
9.Karlstad Hospital:
The Karlstad Hospital is a medical facility that provides care for patients in the region of Karlstad and the surrounding areas.
It has a number of different departments, including an intensive care department, wards for both adults and children, an emergency department, and a surgical unit.
The hospital has been in operation since 1887. The hospital has about 400 employees, including doctors and nurses.
10.Huddinge University Hospital:
Huddinge University Hospital is located in Huddinge, Stockholm County and is a teaching hospital for Karolinska Institutet. It serves as the regional hospital for Norrort, with more than 250 000 inhabitants.
The hospital has approximately 4 000 employees and care for about 400 000 patients annually. The emergency department at Huddinge University Hospital has the most admissions of any emergency department in Sweden.
11.Örebro University Hospital:
Örebro University Hospital is a public hospital in Örebro, Sweden. It is operated by the Swedish County Council of Örebro and is affiliated with Örebro University.
The hospital has been in operation since 1887 and has grown to be one of Sweden’s largest hospitals. The facility has about 1,200 beds and employs 2,700 people. It offers all the clinical specialties that are usually found in a modern hospital as well as a wide range of research activities.
12.Linköping University Hospital:
Linköping University Hospital is located in Linköping, Sweden. It is the second largest hospital in the country and has a capacity of 860 beds.
The hospital was founded in 1824 and was then called the City Hospital. It started as a small facility with 10 beds but has since expanded to include departments such as emergency care, surgery, oncology, pediatrics, and orthopedics.
Linköping University Hospital provides a wide range of services for patients from all over Sweden and is one of the most complete hospitals in the country.
13.Norrlands Universitetssjukhus (Luleå):
Norrlands Universitetssjukhus (Luleå) is a university hospital located in Luleå, Sweden. It is the only university hospital in Norrbotten County and the only one with a trauma center.
The hospital has two different locations – one in Luleå and one in Boden. The Luleå location has a capacity of about 400 beds and the Boden location has a capacity of about 100 beds.
The hospital has four different departments: Department of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, and Department for Children’s Surgery.
Norrlands Universitetssjukhus was founded in 1909 by Dr. Axel Tammelin as a sanatorium for tuberculosis patients from the northern region of Sweden.
14.Goteborgs Universitetssjukhus:
The Goteborgs Universitetssjukhus is a university hospital in Sweden. It was founded in 1827 and has been a part of the Swedish University of Health Sciences since 1987. The hospital provides healthcare for the residents of Goteborg and surrounding areas.
The hospital has 1,450 beds, including a children’s ward with 120 beds, as well as intensive care units for adults and children. It also provides outpatient services such as physical therapy, rehabilitation, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.
15.Lulea Universitetssjukhus:
Lulea Universitetssjukhus was founded on the 18th of March, 2005. It is a private university hospital that is situated in Lulea, Sweden. The hospital has a total of 500 beds and over 150 doctors.
The hospital provides a wide range of services such as emergency care, general surgery, orthopedics and traumatology and obstetrics.
16.Malmo universitetssjukhus:
Malmo universitetssjukhus is a university hospital in Malmo, Sweden.
The hospital was constructed in 1979 and is one of the largest in Scandinavia. It is one of the three university hospitals in Sweden. The hospital has a total of 5,000 employees and serves as a regional trauma center for southern Sweden.
Malmo universitetssjukhus has an address at Sankt Hansgatan 1, 211 20 Malmö, Sweden
Malmo universitetssjukhus location is at Sankt Hansgatan 1, 211 20 Malmö, Sweden
Malmo universitetssjukhus facilities include an emergency department with six operating rooms and three intensive care units that are manned by more than 100 doctors and nurses
17.Västervik’s hospital in Väst:
Västervik’s hospital is one of the oldest hospitals in Sweden. It has a history of about 350 years. The original building was inaugurated in 1720 and it was built in the classical style.
The hospital is situated near the coast, about 1km from the center of Västervik. It offers many different services such as emergency care, surgery, rehabilitation and geriatrics.
18.Lund University Hospital (LUH), Lund:
Lund University Hospital (LUH) is a hospital in Lund, Sweden. The hospital is located in the city center of Lund and has been serving the population of Skåne County since 1963.
The hospital has a total bed capacity for about 1,200 patients and is one of the largest hospitals in Scandinavia. It also operates as a referral center for other hospitals in the region.
In addition to providing general medical care, LUH offers specialized services such as emergency care, rehabilitation, oncology, and surgery.
19.Mölndals Hospital :
Mölndals Hospital is one of the most advanced hospitals in Sweden. It is a state-of-the-art facility that provides excellent healthcare services to the people of Mölndals. The hospital offers highly skilled and experienced doctors, nurses, and other medical staff which are committed to providing high quality care for all patients.
The hospital has a very strong focus on preventive care and health promotion. They have many clinics that offer specialized care for specific conditions such as diabetes, asthma, cancer, mental health and more.
Mölndals Hospital has an excellent reputation in Sweden because they are well known for their caring attitude towards patients and their family members as well as their ability to offer specialized care.
20.Västerås Central Hospital:
The Västerås Central Hospital is a hospital in Sweden. It was established in the year 1883 and it has been providing healthcare to the people of Västerås for over 120 years now. The hospital provides various services to the people of Västerås, including emergency care, outpatient care, and public health services.
The hospital is located in central Västerås which makes it easy for patients to get access to the facility. The hospital has a total of 5 floors with different departments on each floor. Some departments are – Emergency Care, Outpatient Care, Public Health Services and more.
The facilities at this hospital are modern and well-equipped with state-of-the-art equipment that helps provide quality healthcare to its patients.
1.(2020, February 27). Retrieved November 23, 2022, from Newsweek website:
2.World’s Best Hospitals 2022 – Sweden. (2022, March 2). Retrieved November 23, 2022, from Newsweek website:
3.The Best Hospitals in Sweden for Expats. (2022, January 18). Retrieved November 23, 2022, from International Citizens Insurance website:
4. Best Hospitals In Sweden. (2020, July 24). Retrieved November 23, 2022, from Mozocare Insights website:
5.THE BEST 10 Hospitals in Stockholm, Sweden – Last Updated November 2022 – Yelp. (2022). Retrieved November 23, 2022, from Yelp website:
6.Wikipedia Contributors. (2022, November 10). List of hospitals in Sweden. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from Wikipedia website:
7.Administrator. (2022). Swedish hospital list – EfCCNA – European federation of Critical Care Nurses associations, EfCCNA. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from website:
8.Swedish Medical Center. (2022). Retrieved November 23, 2022, from website:
9.The Public Health Agency of Sweden. (2022). Retrieved November 23, 2022, from website:
10.Team, R. (2018, April 12). Why Should You Work as a Nurse in Sweden? | MediCarrera. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from MediCarrera website:
2.Uppsala Universitetssjukhus:
4.Karolinska Universitetsmedicin Stockholm:
5.Sahlgrenska University Hospital:
6.Danderyd Children’s Hospital:
10.Huddinge University Hospital:
11.Örebro University Hospital:
12.Linköping University Hospital:
13.Norrlands Universitetssjukhus (Luleå):
14.Goteborgs Universitetssjukhus:
17.Västervik’s hospital in Väst: